Supply chain & logistics
All topics related to immunization supply chain and logistics, including vaccine forecasting and supply planning, distribution systems, vaccine management, vaccine wastage, and waste management.
The new feature of warnings to help safeguarding vaccines is now incorporated into the latest SmartView version.
How it works:
While temperature alarms are standard and widely utilized, Berlinger’s SmartView introduces an additional layer of defense through automated warnings.
Warnings serve as a...
Dear colleagues
I´d like to share the experience about to maximize the shelf life of this vaccine. Based on the manufacturer, the vaccine has a extended period of useful life if the range of temperate is between -50°C and -15°C, we have this vaccine in these range of temperature inside of a WIFR, t...
Hi everyone
Two weeks ago, at the Technet 2023 conference in Panama, there was much discussion on vaccine wastage, especially unavoidable opened vial wastage. It is a very hot topic, but it need not be so hot.
In 2020, WHO published an article in Vaccine on vaccine wastage in routine vaccination s...
**une version françaisese trouve en bas de la page**
As a relatively new PQS manufacturer, Coolfinity Medical BV is participating in the TechNet conference for the first time. You can visit us in the marketplace at booth C, where we will be displaying our ice-lined refrigerators. We look forward to receiving feedback from all immunization professional...
In August 2021, the World Health Organization developed the first web-based equipment Inventory and Gap Analysis (IGA 1.0) application to help ease the burden on countries for collecting and analyzing equipment inventory data.
The web-based software has a complete functionality, is open-source and ...
Dear all, sharing on behalf of WHO Philippines country office and Philippines Department of Health.
The WHO Philippines country office is supporting the Philippines Department of Health to deploy a solution for cold chain temperature monitoring. This RFP is open to all prequalified E006 suppliers w...
Being a Cold chain equipment manufacturer (vaccine carriers, cold boxes with ice packs in particular), we continuously strive to deliver the best product to the end users. We have a full fledged laboratory and an market analyst team who study the problems faced by the health workers. We have already...
Dear All, I am pharmacist and working in Atlas Logistique (an emergency and operationnal unit of Handicap International). We had open few logistics platforms in Ukraine and we plan to open new one in Afghanistan (storage & transport of medicines and medical products, H2H project). I would like t...
UNICEF and TechNet-21 are delighted to invite you to a webinar session on "Carbon footprint estimates for delivering immunization program globally".
Reaching every child with a shot of vaccine comes at the cost of producing carbon emissions. How much carbon are we emitting? Where are key contributo...
Dear Colleagues, The USAID Medicines, Technologies, and Pharmaceutical Services (MTaPS) Program is conducting a survey to understand the status of disability inclusion in the health supply chain workforce in low- and middle-income countries.
Your participation in the survey will help us identify di...
People that Deliver (PtD) has just published its Business case for investment in human resources for health supply chain management.
The findings show that most health supply chain workforce investments have been made in staffing (ensuring supply chain positions are filled) and skills development i...
New EVM Account
anyone can help me how to create an EVM Account please? i have tried many times to contack an EVM admin but never once replied,please help me i really need it...
Hi Colleagues,
I'm looking for a protocol to check the temperature during a vaccination campaign using door-to-door strategy. The study will cover the journey of the vials from the central store to the beneficiary with a focus on the leg from point of service to benficiaries and back to point of se...
The WHO is launching the new web-based and mobile-based equipment Inventory and Gap Analysis (IGA) application. Join us in a webinar to learn how this application can ease up the burden of maintaining an updated cold chain equipment inventory and generate reports to identify where there are capacity...
Since its first offering in 2004, we have made more than 15,000 km to date. It is like driving from Geneva to the Kamchatka peninsula, Russia or to Cape of Good Hope in South Africa.
The 2020 course had to be canceled due to the emerging COVID-19 pandem...
WEBINARHow Can Thinking and Working Politically Strengthen Your Health Commodity Supply Chain? Wednesday, April 19, 20238:00-9:00 AM ET
PQS Prequalification for SmartMonitor SITE L (Remote Temperature Monitoring) The SmartMonitor SITE L, the remote temperature monitoring device from Berlinger's latest condition monitoring platform SmartSystem, is PQS prequalified Remote temperature monitoring of refrigerator/freezers with SmartSys...
UPDATE: Due to technical issues, this webinar series had to be postponed. This post now reflects the NEW dates.Dear colleagues,
You are invited to join a new webinar series on How Immunization Supply Chains (iSC) contribute to identifying, targeting, and reaching zero-dose communities....
Dear All,
I am pharmacist and working in Atlas Logistique (an emergency and operationnal unit of Handicap International).
I would like to ask if you have technical documentation on reefers / storage & managment of reefers for pharmaceuticals products on cold chain.
Thanks in advance for your ...
Dear colleagues,
We are pleased to organise a webinar to introduce the AFRiSC mobile learning application. AFRiSC is an innovative software solution aimed to reinforce the capacity and competencies of cold chain and logistics staff and managers operating and managing the immunization Supply C...
TechNet-21 is pleased to announce a new webinar series on "Capacity development and professionalization".
Interested in learning more about practical approaches to supporting capacity development and professionalization in health supply chain management to drive immunization and other...
Dear Technet colleagues,
We hope this email finds you well. We wanted to share with you all an exciting new publication from the USAID's Global Health Supply Chain Program – Procurement and Supply ...
what is the order of vaccines inside Haier HBC-240 ? is the first shelve consider the coldest one or there is no specific order please if any one has a document about it, please share it Also , for HBC-260 can a save vaccines at the bottom because there are no baskests at the bottom...
Dear Colleagues,
Most technology solutions in global health are not designed with the community health worker (CHW) in mind. USAID Global Health Supply Chain Program-Procurement and Supply Management (GHSC-PSM) project conducted this landscape analysis, which is the first of its type.A...
A cause des deplaces en augmentation mon stock de securite ne suffit plus , et l'approvisionnement est toujours programme
quelle est la solution pour palier a la rupture ...
The HISP Centre at the University of Oslo invites you to join the DHIS2 LMIS team and experts from the HISP network for the next webinar in our DHIS2 for Immunization series--supported by Gavi--on Logistics for Immunization Programmes. This webinar will present a high-level introduction to...
Hello everyone,
I just receive fridge tag 2 E with an external sensor for the freezer
I activated the device and then connect the external sensor but the device doesn't recognize the external sensor and using the internal sensor
Does anyone know how to change between two sensors...
Dear Colleagues, From Nov 30 to Dec 2, 2022, the USAID MTaPS Program will join the Global Health Supply Chain Summit (GHSCS) in Dakar, Senegal ( ), first launched in 2008 to convene government, NGO, international organization, bi-lateral and multi-lateral ag...
With so many technical documents and tools available to strengthen immunization supply chains, and improve coverage and equity, why aren’t more programs using them?
In this webinar we will share innovative and practical solutions conceived by EPI and supply chain managers, government decision-mak...
Hello everyone,
Is there an update guidance on vaccine management?
If yes does anyone mind sharing the link, preferably of a french document.
If not, do you think the WHO 2015 handbook is technically enough or is there room for improvement ?
Grateful for the support !
Hi Team, this is Johnson Kisanga from CHAI-Tanzania.
I was going through the Supply chain sizing tool with aim of understanding key parameters that are required to establish requiments for a standart Dry Storage for storing duluents, syringes and safey boxes. So, I'm kind like trying to make ...
Dear colleagues,
You are invited to a TechNet webinar: The Impact of Smart Sensing Devices and Cloud Based Technology in Advancing Senegal's Vaccine Supply Chain
Learn from Dr. Amy Lo Ndiaye, Vaccine Logistics Manager at EPI Senegal Ministry of Health, as she shares Senegal's exper...
My name is Tewedaj, Ethiopia,
I am a Certified Public Health Professional with over 10 years of progressive experience in the District health system; I coordinated and led the public health emergency response teams at Jimma University as a surveillance division leader during the Pandemic. Curr...
Hybrid (Solar+Grid) Power Source to run a Walk In Cooler..A Clean n Green Initiative........
NCCRC has introduced the concept of "Hybrid (Solar+Grid) Power Pack to run the Walk-In-Cooler (Cold Room)..The objectives are well set for addressing the energy measure aspects & promoting the use of gr...
WHO Technical Report Series, No. 961, 2011 Document below...
Document attached to this post is the technical supplement 7: Qualification of temperature-controlled storage areas. Experts on the specification for Pharmaceutical Preparations provide guidance to qualify new temperature-controlled stora...
The following blog post was written by Sandeep Kumar of PATH and highlights PATH’s work in freeze-preventive vaccine carriers:
Dear colleagues,
You are invited to a webinar on The Gavi Alliance New Immunisation Supply Chain Strategy. In this webinar you will hear about Gavi's immunisation supply chain strategy (2021-2025), which supports the vision of the Gavi Alliance and the Global Immunisation Agenda 2030 of lea...
Webinar 1: Introduction to WHO equipment inventory and gap analysis (IGA) tool
In December 2021, WHO HQ launched the new web and mobile-based equipment inventory and gap analysis too (IGA). The tool is customizable and is designed to make the management of equipment inventory efficient, ...
People that Deliver Global IndabaAbstract submission deadline extended to 15 July
Submit your abstract here.
Are you interested in giving an oral or poster presentation at the PtD Global Indaba? You have two more weeks to get you submissions in!
Abstracts should document the work of your organisa...
Join us in the final webinar session in our series on Strengthening immunization supply chains with the Effective Vaccine Management (EVM) assessment tool.
The Effective Vaccine Management (EVM) assessment tool developed by WHO and UNICEF sets the standard for the vaccine supply chain. In this...
My name is Isti from Indonesia.
I am currently researching cold chain maintanance practice in Indonesia focusing on Planned Preventive Maintanance. A little background for the PPM practice in Indonesia; several districts have implemented PPM and has a dedicated budget line for Cold chain main...
Join us in this second session of a four-part webinar series on Strengthening immunization supply chains with the Effective Vaccine Management (EVM) assessment tool.EVM is a global initiative to increase immunization coverage through the continuous improvement of vaccine supply chains, ensuring pote...
Hello Team,I am planning to conduct assessment on the temperature management (E2) as one of the EVM criteria in Tanzania. I would like to obtain access to standard questions that I can use to at least have findings that have gone through the EVM standard questions.I wrote an email to [email protected]...
Join us in the next webinar session in our series on Strengthening immunization supply chains with the Effective Vaccine Management (EVM) assessment tool.
EVM is a global initiative to increase immunization coverage through the continuous improvement of vaccine supply chains, ensuring potent, ...
I'm looking for studies comparing the environmental impact of solar direct drive ice-lined refrigerators versus vaccine refrigerators using grid-electricity, kerosene and gas. Or cradle-to-grave, Life cycle analysis of SDD ILR's versus these other types of refrigerators.
Basically to answer the que...
New! Announcing a new webinar series on the WHO-UNICEF Effective Vaccine Management (EVM) assessment tool and how it can support the successful implementation of a national immunization continuous improvement plan (cIP). The four webinars will be:
What is Effective Vaccine Management (EVM) and wh...
New PQS Configurations ready on all Fridge-tags
The WHO PQS Standard TR06.4 defines three types of standard configurations of 30DTR:
Type 1: Capable to monitor and programmed with alarm settings suitable for monitoring vaccine refrigerators at +2 to +8°C.
Type 2: Capable to monitor and programm...
Due to unprecedented demand, the EVM Capacity-Building Workshop taking place in Kigali, Rwanda from 16-28 May will be streamed live online starting at 09:00 Central Africa Time (UTC+2) on 16/05/2022. As well as the plenary sessions, both the separate English and French sessions will be streamed. A c...
Dear TechNet-21 colleagues and friends,
I am Hamadou Modibo Dicko and I am pursuing a Doctorate of Business Administration (DBA) in supply chain with my thesis topic is the following: Impacts of health supply chain integration on the programmatic and supply chain performance of the immunization pro...
For the last one year we have focused on developing a transactional eLMIS in DHIS2 platform, SoftLMIS. SoftLMIS, a custom web application, has been set to run on top of the DHIS2 platform to manage real-time stock of health commodities by batch# & expiry date, and allow day-to-day stock transact...
Dear colleagues,
UNICEF, in collaboration with global partners, have recognized the need to validate the learning needs for supply chain workforce using People that Deliver (PtD) competency framework. This effort will allow stakeholders develop a roadmap to address human resource capacity needs thr...
Chers collègues et amis de TechNet-21,
Je m’appelle Hamadou Modibo Dicko et je poursuis un doctorat en administration des affaires (DBA) en chaîne d’approvisionnement et mon sujet de thèse est le suivant : Impacts de l’intégration de la chaîne d’approvisionnement en santé sur la performance program...
Dear colleagues,
WHO, UNICEF with the support of TechNet-21 invite you to a webinar session on "Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine new formulation: implications on vaccine management, supply chain, and technical assistance".
This webinar will orient countries on the new Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19 Vacc...
Dear colleagues,
PATH is seeking to identify and document the largest barriers within the primary health care (PHC) cold chain system as well as identify and document opportunities and challenges with integration of PHC and vaccine product cold chains. As such, we are conducting a survey that asks ...
Dear all,
I am writing to ask for help in interpreting the attached template for the CCEOP Operational Deployment Plan V2.2. I am a VMS in Central Asia and got stuck while translating the template into Russian, namely: in the drop-down list in the column I ("Reason for deployment") on the "Re...
Dear all,
I hope that this email finds you well.
We share with this call for contributions to prepare a collective work paper entitled "Contribution of health logistics training schools to improving the supply chain of vaccines, other health products and humanitarian logistics in Africa".
Good day
I am a logistician by training with lots of field experience in cold chain but not a biomedical engineer or technician. We are working on developing a simple mobile app for health care facilities (not for district stores and higher level) for managning cold chain equipment.
I am looking f...
WHO and UNICEF have made a powerful new tool available to Effective Vaccine Management (EVM) assessment managers. Once an EVM assessment has been completed, EVM managers can download the Microsoft Excel-based tool and use it to generate a list of improvement activities that address the weaknesses id...
With the advent of the new Pneumococcal and Rotavirus vaccines packaged in single dose pre-filled glass syringes, we are likely to be facing a complication in waste management. It's my understanding that this is likely to be a transitory trend for many of the new vaccines in the future, whic...
Hello TecNet specialits.
I am a new comer to the TechNet. Japanese governement plans to supply vaccine Cold chain refrigerators and Temperature monitoring device to Indonesia Ministry of Health through UNICEF supply division. Remote temperature monitoring device appeers good and cheaper and av...
Over the coming weeks, TechNet-21 will host a new webinar series entitled "Temperature Monitoring: Keeping a Cold Chain Cold". In this series, we will explore the different technologies available for active temperature monitoring of your cold chain. Practical experiences from countries using 30...
How many vials vcan be stored in a freeze free vaccine carrier? ...
Over the coming weeks, TechNet-21 will be hosting a new webinar series:
Deploying an electronic LMIS: Making the right choice
This webinar series presents the leading eLMIS software and service options that are currently deployed in the field. It also explores how to prepar...
Hi admin, can I get help to accessing this document? Existing link on the platform seems not to work....
Chers / Chères collègues,
PATH cherche à identifier et documenter les principaux obstacles qui entravent le système de la chaîne du froid concernant les soins de santé primaire (SSP), ainsi que les opportunités et défis de l’intégration des chaînes du froid des produits de SSP et des produits vacci...
In African countries during vaccination campaigns or outreach activities in distant places, traditional cold boxes used for vaccine transport may stay cold for a maximum of about four days (if not opened frequently) in ambient temperatures of around 30°C. Health workers some times need to carry froz...
Upcoming Webinar: The March Towards Resilience and Readiness
Our upcoming Bright Spots live engagement will take place on August 24 at 1:00 PM GMT (find local time), underscoring the importance of a strong vaccine supply chain system, which is the backbone of sustained routine immunization. Wi...
The makers of the Varo app and the makers of the Fridge-tag include free connector cables with every Fridge-tag order. By connecting the cable between your Android phone and a Fridge-tag, the temperature data can be easily read-out with the Varo app.
A standard bag with connector cables will be pr...
Dear Viewers
We wish to share the following for additional contributions.
Proem: In public health, timely identifying the right problem is doing half the job and giving solution is finishing complete job – as stated by Chicago University who felicitated with best podium presentation award for iden...
With the recent WHO/UNICEF Joint Statement on encouraging greater health commodity supply chain integration for temperature-sensitive pharmaceuticals where appropriate, it is now more important than ever to reinforce best storage and handling practices of integrated products. Particularly in the con...
what is the best method to increase holdover time in less no of ice packs? ...
Dear Fridge-tag users,
We are happy to announce that the Fridge-tag is the first 30 DTR that have been validated by the makers of the Varo app to be fully compatible with the free Varo mobile application.
The Varo app allows any Fridge-tag user to easily share details about the cold chain performa...
Dear experts
The past 17/05/2021 the EMA published this good news, I share the link:
It is the best that will improve the cold chain of Pfizer¨s vaccine, at the end, all the vaccines will be be...
Dear Technet community,
I wanted to provide everyone with an update regarding available information resources on the Varo Android app as well as a separate software tool called Pogo LT that works with Varo to provide aggregated performance summaries.
The Varo Android application is a free tool tha...
We will soon need equipment for distributing Covid-19 vaccines. Some of these vaccines require storage temperatures well below freezing and some can be distributed in the typical 2 to 8 deg C temperature range.
First we need information on the appropriate temperatures for v...
Bonjour chers collègues,
Quelqu'un peut-il me partager l'outil d'audit de la qualité des données mis en place dans le cadre du projet IHSCTA Integrated Health Supply Chain – TechnicalAssistance Activity en Côte d'Ivoire?
Merci d'avance,
Bien cordialement,
KASUMBI Tshituka Loui...
Dear TechNet colleagues,
Energize the Chain (EtC), aims to solve the cold chain problem by the formation of public-private partnerships with Ministries of Health and the cell tower or other power provider industries. With this collaboration we can utilize the energy and connectivity avail...
Empower, in collaboration with WHO SEARO, is pleased to announce the launch of the Emergency Outbreak Response Platform for 11 South & Southeast Asian countries (Bangladesh, Bhutan, DPR Korea, India, Indonesia, Maldives, Myanmar, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Thailan...
This briefing note calls for the meticulous monitoring, recording, and reporting of COVID-19 vaccine doses, and distribution and consumption across all levels of the supply chain, including at service points. The need for a robust stock management system has been highlighted both in the Guidance on ...
Given the need for an ultra-cold chain (UCC) for an initial leading COVID-19 vaccine candidate, Project Last Mile conducted an analysis on the availability of liquid CO2 (LCO2) within the Coca-Cola value chain in 47 countries in Africa to assist in meeting potential dry ice needs to support ultra-co...
What is the best and recommended temperature range for storing Rotavac brand vaccine?...
Interested in knowing more on Vaccine Vial Monitors (VVM)?
TechNet just released a new dedicated page for you to find all important resources and information on VVM in one place:
The page is mainly designed for vaccinators and supply chain manage...
How far is stacking in vaccine refrigerators recommended and are there specific SOPs to guide in the event where we have to stack vaccines, because of high volumes?
Has stacking a significant implication on the potency of the vaccine with respect to the temperature distribution in the refrigerator?...
Une riposte contre le CVDPV2 est organisée dans une zone de santé quelconque, lors de l inventaire des matériels de chaîne de froid l equipe de riposte se rend compte qu il n y a pas assez de boîtes isothermes (BI) pour les équipes de vaccinations, 20 BI pour 94 équipes, la sous commission logistiqu...
Project Last Mile (PLM) is an innovative public-private partnership launched in 2010 between The Coca-Cola Company, The Coca-Cola Foundation, United States Agency for International Development (USAID),President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), The Global Fund and Bill & Melinda Gates F...
Please refer the Video developed by NCCRC with support of UNICEF with the objective of making the task of WIC/WIF installation much easier, though demonstration of interconnections between WICs/WIFs & associated equipment/control units.
The efforts are towards briefing the purpose & illustr...
Dear colleagues,
The updated e-course on National Logistics Working Group is now live on UNICEF AGORA!. Access course here:
Several countries acknowledge the National Logistics Working Groups (NLWGs) as an effective in-country coordination mechanism...
An ex-colleague wrote me trying to identify independent consulalnts, with expertise in cold chain logistics and technology, to include in a bid by an organization focusedo on electrification.
That's all I know.
But would be happy to pass along your details to the interested party....
The paper I authored together with my dear friend Alan Kennedy, analyzes a more resilient transport mode, ocean freight, to supplement road and air freight.
“There is little doubt that the long-haul transportation of COVID-19 vaccines and other vital pharmaceuticals needs to be conduc...
Due to ongoing problems with the WHO website, and increased demand caused by the COVID-19 response, I have created a new topic page that lists the key ISC planning tools created by the WHO Expanded Programme on Immunization (EPI).
Cold Chain Equipment Inventory and Gap Analys...
Je souhaite lancer un appel d'offre pour l'achat de réfrigérateurs spécifiques pour les vaccins ( à compression fonctionant à l'électricité) respectant les normes de l'OMS (PQS)
Pouvez vous partager les spécificités techniques que je vais soumettre pour l'appel d'offre ?
Je vous rem...
We ask for your opinion and assessment:
We are pleased to announce that some days ago we were able to hand over our series-ready Solar-Hybrid PCM Reefer (island solution) SUNTAINER.
Please watch the video here (90 seconds):
The production took place in technical inf...
I wonder about this pandemic, will there be a vaccine soon? When will it be available? What will its presentation be? Will there be availability for poor countries? Cost? Are equipment manufacturers going to support poor countries with equipment? Could you share with us what are manufacturers d...
Hi network,
I’m looking for some reference documents (papers, studies, guideline, etc.) that demonstrate that the current trend is to have less and less negative cold chain at operational level since it’s only needed for OPV and rota vaccine and since more and more countries avoid the use of frozen...
Many of the vaccines being developed require extremely cold storage temperatures. If someone has some sense of what range of storage temperatures may be required for the covid 19 vaccine distribution, this information would be very valuable for manufactures to give them a jump on the design of appro...
What happened to Remonsys website.
If you click on link it is showing this message “This domain has expired. If you owned this domain, contact your domain registration service provider for further assistance.”...
The Quick Info guide for the Fridge-tag 2 and the Fridge-tag 2E is now also available in Spanish, French, German, Russian and Arabic (in addition to English).
This is at the request of Fridge-tag users in the field. The guide can be downloaded from this webpage:
Ultra-Low: Berlinger Fridge-tag to monitor COVID-19 vaccines at ultra-low temperatures.
Attached the details of our latest member of the Fridge-tag family: the Ultra Low. You can chose on what limits to set the alarms, and based on that we configure the devices. As soon as there is a PQS Standard a...
There are no discussions available here currently