**une version françaisese trouve en bas de la page**
On behalf of the the Vaccine Innovation Prioritisation Strategy (VIPS), we wish to invite you to complete a survey on vaccine thermostability preferences- per the links appearing below in French or English.Your perspective will help inform the VIPS strategy to support more heat-stable vaccines.. The survey should take around 30 mins to complete.
Please consider contributing your insights through this survey and further disseminating the links below, as you consider appropriate.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to me.
Thanking you in advance for your participation.
Best regards,
Anna-Lea Kahn (WHO)
ENGLISH: https://questionpro.com/t/AV47oZzWVc
FRENCH: https://questionpro.com/t/AV47oZzrSd
Appel aux acteurs de la vaccination impliqués...
More**une version françaisese trouve en bas de la page**
On behalf of the the Vaccine Innovation Prioritisation Strategy (VIPS), we wish to invite you to complete a survey on vaccine thermostability preferences- per the links appearing below in French or English.Your perspective will help inform the VIPS strategy to support more heat-stable vaccines.. The survey should take around 30 mins to complete.
Please consider contributing your insights through this survey and further disseminating the links below, as you consider appropriate.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to me.
Thanking you in advance for your participation.
Best regards,
Anna-Lea Kahn (WHO)
ENGLISH: https://questionpro.com/t/AV47oZzWVc
FRENCH: https://questionpro.com/t/AV47oZzrSd
Appel aux acteurs de la vaccination impliqués dans la distribution des vaccins au niveau national pour réfléchir aux préférences en matière de stockage dans la chaîne du froid et de stabilité des vaccins.
Au nom de l'Alliance VIPS, nous vous invitons à répondre à une enquête sur les préférences en matière de thermostabilité des vaccins - en cliquant sur les liens ci-dessus en français ou en anglais.
Votre point de vue contribuera à éclairer la stratégie VIPS visant à soutenir des vaccins plus thermostables. L'enquête devrait prendre environ 30 minutes à remplir.
Nous vous invitons à nous faire part de votre point de vue par le biais de cette enquête et à diffuser les liens ci-dessous, comme vous le jugerez approprié.
Si vous avez des questions, n'hésitez pas à me contacter.
Je vous remercie d'avance pour votre participation.
Anna-Lea Kahn (OMS)
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This new job aid for COVID-19 vaccination implementers was developed as part of the Access to COVID-19 Tools (ACT) Accelerator’s Country Readiness and Delivery (CRaD) workstream. The resource shares common COVID-19 vaccine introduction challenges and corresponding potential solutions. The content is presented in three thematic areas reflecting the most frequently reported subjects: communications and social mobilization; reporting and monitoring; and supply and logistics.
This data was collected through a series of interactive webinars and a survey of country level vaccination workforce across all WHO regions conducted in March 2021. We are grateful to all the immunization professionals who took time to respond to the survey. Locally identified solutions were synthesized from the survey responses submitted by health workers. They are offered in the spirit of facilitating peer-to-peer learning, but do not imply respective endorsement by that nation’s ministry of health. Additional...
MoreThis new job aid for COVID-19 vaccination implementers was developed as part of the Access to COVID-19 Tools (ACT) Accelerator’s Country Readiness and Delivery (CRaD) workstream. The resource shares common COVID-19 vaccine introduction challenges and corresponding potential solutions. The content is presented in three thematic areas reflecting the most frequently reported subjects: communications and social mobilization; reporting and monitoring; and supply and logistics.
This data was collected through a series of interactive webinars and a survey of country level vaccination workforce across all WHO regions conducted in March 2021. We are grateful to all the immunization professionals who took time to respond to the survey. Locally identified solutions were synthesized from the survey responses submitted by health workers. They are offered in the spirit of facilitating peer-to-peer learning, but do not imply respective endorsement by that nation’s ministry of health. Additional suggestions from global experts have also been incorporated. Persistent gaps in operational solutions are also flagged.
Additional WHO resources are included in the job aid. As countries proceed with further implementation of their COVID-19 programmes, more in-depth lessons will be discovered and shared through WHO-supported intra-action reviews (IARs), COVID-19 post implementation evaluations (cPIES), and other appropriate methods.
Download here or attached: https://www.technet-21.org/media/com_resources/trl/7490/multi_upload/WHO_IVB_Job-aid_261121_SR.pdf
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Dear Colleagues,
Please find attached a call for experts inviting anyone interested in serving on the Strategic Advisory Group of Experts (SAGE) on Immunizationto consider applying for inclusion on the newly established SAGE Roster. We’d be grateful if you would kindly circulate this message further among your professional contacts.
This current call seeks to identify candidates that can be retained in a roster of experts from which a selection for new SAGE members could take place as the need arises. Consequently, the SAGE Secretariat would like as broad a dissemination of this Call for Experts as possible, in order to obtain a wide variety of candidates representing an extensive range of relevant expertise.
Applications are now conducted by way of an online survey process, the link for which appears within the attached document. The deadline for applications is Friday, 10 September 2021.
This Call for Experts is also available on the SAGE website: Strategic Advisory Group...
MoreDear Colleagues,
Please find attached a call for experts inviting anyone interested in serving on the Strategic Advisory Group of Experts (SAGE) on Immunizationto consider applying for inclusion on the newly established SAGE Roster. We’d be grateful if you would kindly circulate this message further among your professional contacts.
This current call seeks to identify candidates that can be retained in a roster of experts from which a selection for new SAGE members could take place as the need arises. Consequently, the SAGE Secretariat would like as broad a dissemination of this Call for Experts as possible, in order to obtain a wide variety of candidates representing an extensive range of relevant expertise.
Applications are now conducted by way of an online survey process, the link for which appears within the attached document. The deadline for applications is Friday, 10 September 2021.
This Call for Experts is also available on the SAGE website: Strategic Advisory Group of Experts on Immunization (who.int)
Best regards on behalf of the SAGE Secretariat
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Pat Lennon reacted to this post about 4 years agoThank you for bringing up the issue of thermostability. Experience with rapid vaccination campaigns in resource-limited settings has shown that cold chain constraints are an important obstacle to high and equitable coverage. A vaccine that can be delivered through a Controlled Temperature...Thank you for bringing up the issue of thermostability. Experience with rapid vaccination campaigns in resource-limited settings has shown that cold chain constraints are an important obstacle to high and equitable coverage. A vaccine that can be delivered through a Controlled Temperature Chain (CTC) would significantly alleviate this problem...More
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How much more are we willing to pay for a vaccine that can be used outside of the cold chain? Are the trade-offs of paying more for a CTC-qualified vaccine worthwhile? How and when is CTC a good investment for national immunization programs?
This presentation will address these questions, presenting the key economic arguments in favour of CTC implementation from a country perspective.
https://youtu.be/eYZdTWh1IPQPost is under moderationStream item published successfully. Item will now be visible on your stream. -
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To date, on-label delivery of vaccines in a Controlled Temperature Chain (CTC) in AFRO has been as follows :
CTC was adopted for Meningitis A vaccination (Menafrivac) campaigns in Benin (2012), Mauritania (2014), Togo (2014), Cote D'Ivoire (2014), South Sudan (2015), and DRC (2015). Uganda piloted CTC with HPV4 (Gardasil) in 2017. Plans are under way to roll out HPV delivery through CTC in additional countries. A pilot to implement CTC with Oral Cholera Vaccine (Shanchol) is scheduled for Q3 of this year.
Off-label delivery is a much broader concept and given its unregulated nature, is much harder to track and quantify.
For more information on CTC, please consult https://www.who.int/immunization/programmes_systems/supply_chain/ctc/en/.
All the best,
Anna-Lea Kahn
WHO-IVB-EPI Technical Officer
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