Friday, 19 November 2021
  18 Replies
  6.2K Visits

In August 2021, the World Health Organization developed the first web-based equipment Inventory and Gap Analysis (IGA 1.0) application to help ease the burden on countries for collecting and analyzing equipment inventory data.

The web-based software has a complete functionality, is open-source and can be installed in any Microsoft®-supported server.  IGA has a complementary mobile application that can run in any Android® supported smart phones and tablets and can be used to enter data, which can be processed using the web based IGA application. IGA is designed to be used in any country, for any programme and can be translated to any languages.

IGA has two levels of users: admin and user levels.  The admin group (staff who has knowledge of the country and the programme) has access to software configuration and settings.  Therefore, the admin group can configure and adjust the settings of the application to address the country- and programme-specific needs and situation. Users have no access to configuration and settings and have limited and customized access to the application.  IGA is currently available in English, French, Russian, Spanish, and Arabic languages. It can be easily translated to any other languages. 

IGA has several built-in reports and has a mapping function.  The reports have multiple filters to estimate gaps at different administrative levels and for individual or for all facilities based on the criteria set by the software administrator. In addition, all data can easily be exported to MS Excel® sheets for more detailed facility segmentation and equipment analysis.  IGA also has an option to estimate future gaps and requirements - for at least five years from the time of data collection - to support planning.

IGA is recommended for collecting and analyzing inventory of equipment and other non-consumable assets such as cold chain equipment, transport vehicles, temperature monitoring devices, power generators, computers and printers, incinerators, autoclaves, electrical equipment such as voltage regulator, and other auxiliary devices.

Georgia is the first country to use IGA for collecting equipment inventory data from all facilities in all administrative levels.  


The test version for demo site is by using the following URL: www.inventory-gapanalysis.c om

         Username: admin

         Password: 123


The mobile application (only for Android) can be downloaded from:


For any question or support, contact Mojtaba Haghgou ([email protected]) or Maricel Castro ([email protected])

3 years ago


This is a wonderful tool.
I have two questions, 
1. When will training be conducted for cold chain managers on the installation and use?

2. Can the data captured with the WHO excel-based CCE Inventory and Gaps Analysis tool be imported into the new platform?




Abdulhafeez Mustapha 


3 years ago

Hi Abdulhafeez.

Thank you for your questions. To answer your first question, we are planning to conduct an orientation on IGA soon. It will be announced in TechNet, please watch out.

With regards to your second question, currenty IGA tool is not yet completely interoperable with the older Excel-based WHO CCEI and gap analysis tool. Work is on-going to allow full harmonization so that data from the old tool can be easily imported to the new tool. We will update you guys once this is done. 

Have a good day.



2 years ago

Dear Maricel

Thank you for this interesting tool.

The 2021 CCE Gap Analysis Tool version includes a tab for PQEqpt (WHO PQS Prequalified equipment) that contains much of the product information for specific equipment that is developed when that equipment undergoes prequalification PQS protocols.  The tool (2019, 2021) took it a step further by combining this info into energy consumption indicators based on volumes (e.g. daily watt hour per net liters of vaccine storage and/or per liters (kg) of water pack freezing capacity).  

This is a useful approach to compare the electricity consumption of mains powered appliances on a fair basis since all prequaified appliances must pass the same rigor where both their volume(s) and electrcity consumption is established through identical protocols carried out at WHO accredited test labs.

I recommend that this same set of indicators be continually supported by WHO in order for stakeholders to have one more way to consider environmental impacts of cold chain equipment selections.

Respectfully submitted

Steve McCarney

Sunny Day LLC

2 years ago

This looks promising. Looking forward to the rolling out process

2 years ago

Dear colleagues,

Thank you all for the positive feedback and for sharing ideas on how we can make the tool more useful and practical for country use. 

Please note that we are working on improving the tool user-friendliness and adaptibility to user-country context. We also noted the good suggestions from Steve, which we will consider in the next updates. As a heads up, we are also working to have a supplemental functionality to support planning for and implementing preventive maintenance of CCEs.

We will let you know once the new/added features are ready and we will walk you through them.

If you know of a country that is considering to use this tool and need some guidance/support please dont hesitate to contact us.

All the best,



1 year ago

When clicking on the hyperlink I receive an error "Server not found", is this web page still available? Thank you.

1 year ago

Dear Colleagues,

Apologies, the old link doesn't work anymore. 

The IGA has gone trhough few version update. If you wanted to access the Demo Site for the latest IGA version 4.0. here is the link and  the access: Username: admin. Password: 2W@#er#>@   (both are case sensitive).

We are happy to receive any feedback. 



1 year ago
1 year ago

Thanks for the effort. From the link you sent I can only download the Excel tool while I would like to obtain access to the web-based tool and the Android app from the website (which is not working).

1 year ago

Thanks a lot for providing the updated credentials so quickly but I still fail to login ("Login failed"). I tried typing and copy/pasting the email and with two different web browsers.

1 year ago

Dear Colleagues,

Apologies, the old link doesn't work anymore. The IGA has gone through few version updates. If you wanted to access the Demo Site for the latest IGA version 4.0. here is the link and  the access: 

Username: admin

Password: 2W@#er#@

Both are case sensitive. 

We are happy to receive any feedback. 



1 year ago

Dear colleagues,

Apologies for the late reply. These are the correct link and login details:


Username: admin

Password: phipass3




IGA Demo site is still showing log-in failed. I tried both passwords (phipass3 and 123) but all failed 

Hi Maricel, 

It seems that below credentials are not working anymore: 

Username: admin

Password: phipass3

Would you please share the new ones please ? 

Thank you!

Richard (from the mSupply Foundation)

1 year ago

Dear Colleagues,

Apologies for the inconvinience. We have to change the password at times. Please use the current credentials as follows:


IGA Demo site:

Username: admin

Password: iga4@admin>

* Both username and password are case-sensitive

Should you have a problem accessing please feel free to contact me ([email protected]) with copy to Mojtaba Haghgou <[email protected]>.




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