Tuesday, 23 June 2015
  2 Replies
  8K Visits

I’m delighted to announce the online release of WHO’s new 3-part film on the Controlled Temperature Chain (CTC) produced by IVB/EPI in both English and French.

This 3-episode film on CTC serves as an advocacy tool in order to promote the approach among varied stakeholders. The first episode explains what CTC is, why it is useful and how it is feasible. The second episode features a case study of CTC implementation during a vaccination campaign in Côte d’Ivoire, providing insight on the health workers’ perspective. The third episode gives an outlook on the options for countries and what manufacturers can do to support countries.

ENGLISH - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9S6xGsoqIBWYg1540xBQ3XFvzz2JRrPT

FRANCAIS - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9S6xGsoqIBWRZ_KlJpNVz-ixUKo9CsT1

8 years ago
Interesting thing will be to study; 1. Increase in vaccine stock availability at outreach session sites after introducing CTC 2. Impact on vaccine wastage prior and after introduction of CTC Any data available on that or is it too early.... Thanx
8 years ago
Thanks for sharing. Was wondering what CTC was. Watched all 3 parts, quite exiting and great innovation. will be of significant help in resource poor settings as illustrated and also during large campaigns around the world.
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