27 October 2023, Vol. 98, No. 43, pp. 521–554 Now online IN THIS ISSUE 521 Recommended composition of influenza virus vaccines for use in the 2024 southern hemisphere influenza season 533 Genetic and antigenic characteristics of zoonotic influenza A viruses and development of candidate vac...

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Hot Topics | Take Action | The Monthlies | Before You Go OCTOBER 25, 2023 !-- IN THIS ISSUE M&I Participation Hits a New Milestone! From Our Members and Partners Data Viz Tip of the Month 2023–2024 SISC Technical Small Groups Information Requests Submit Your Abstract and Register for #AIRA2024 Mark Your Calendars for AIRA’s November Discovery S...

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96 Upcoming Webinar: World Pneumonia Day 2023 - October 7thIVAC Webinar | October 2023!--->UPCOMING WEBINAR World Pneumonia Day 2023: The Latest Life-Saving Approaches !---> When: November 7th from 9:00am - 10:30am ET Description: Despite global efforts to increase access to life-saving pneumococcal conjugate va...

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20 October 2023, Vol. 98, No. 42, pp. 503–520 Now online IN THIS ISSUE 503 WHO’s Health Emergencies Programme: acute emergencies monthly summary – August and September 2023 509 Supporting Marburg virus disease outbreak response through online learning 512 Progress towards measles and rubel...

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96 Vaccines for All: Strengthening Immunization ProgramsOCTOBER, 2023We are committed to strengthening the foundations of routine immunization programs and using new and tailored approaches to overcome persistent challenges. This newsletter is about our recent work in immunization, particularly in the post-...

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! Take Action | Hot Topics | The Monthlies | Before You Go OCTOBER 18, 2023 !-- IN THIS ISSUE Last Call to Register for AIRA's Discovery Session: Improving Immunization Data Quality Through EHR and IIS Collaboration Time to Register and Submit Your Abstract for #AIRA2024 Calling All 2023 National Meeting Presenters Information Requests Data Viz Tip...

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13 October 2023, Vol. 98, No. 41, pp. 489–502 Now online IN THIS ISSUE 489 Global programme to eliminate lymphatic filariasis: progress report, 2022 13 octobre 2023, Vol. 98, No. 41, pp. 489-502 Maintenant en ligne DANS CE NUMÉRO 489 Programme mondial pour l’élimination de la filariose lymphatiq...

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IVAC Webinar | October 2023COVID-19 Vaccination Delivery in Asia: Lessons Learned from 6 Low- and Middle-income CountriesWhen: October 25 from 6:00am - 7:15am EDT / 6:00pm - 7:15pm (GMT +8 hours)CLICK TO REGISTER Description: IVAC will present findings from a recent study funded by the Asian Development Bank ...

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Twenty-second report from the Independent Monitoring BoardThe Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI) welcomes the latest report from the Independent Monitoring Board (IMB), which presents a rigorous independent review of the programme’s progress toward its goals - aiming to interrupt all remaining wild poliovirus typ...

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OCTOBER 11, 2023 IN THIS ISSUE Your SnapShot of IIS Community Highlights Register for AIRA’s Members and Partners Meeting A Webinar Brought to You by Our Diamond Corporate Member, Moderna Register Today for AIRA’s Discovery Session: Improving Immunization Data Quality Through EHR and IIS Collaboration!Time to Register and Submi...

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6 October 2023, Vol. 98, No. 40, pp. 471–488 Now online IN THIS ISSUE 471 Global leishmaniasis surveillance, 2022: assessing trends over the past 10 years 6 octobre 2023, Vol. 98, No. 40, pp. 471-488 Maintenant en ligne DANS CE NUMÉRO 471 Surveillance mondiale de la leishmaniose, 2022: évaluatio...

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Volume 17, Issue 9 - September 2023The Measles and Rubella Bulletin is a monthly publication reporting progress towards achieving measles and rubella elimination in the Western Pacific Region. Inside each issue, we present the latest reported data by country on measles and rubella incidence, surveillance performance, and...

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OCTOBER 4, 2023 IN THIS ISSUE The AIRA National Meeting Is Back!Register for AIRA’s Members and Partners Meeting A Webinar Brought to You by Our Diamond Corporate Member, Moderna Register Today for AIRA’s Discovery Session: Improving Immunization Data Quality Through EHR and IIS Collaboration!Your SnapShot of IIS Communi...

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Dates: 4-7 July 2023 Venue: Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo Participating countries: The Democratic Republic of Congo, Chad, Ethiopia, Mali, Madagascar, Mozambique Outcomes: During the 4-day meeting, the ARCC members led by Prof Rose Leke reviewed the situation of polio eradication globally and in the African Region, the response ...

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Dates: 12-15 June 2023 Venue: Brazzaville, CONGOFifteen participating countries: EPI Managers, Data Managers, Surveillance Officers, Laboratory Officers. Facilitators:WHO; UNICEF; CDC; MRF (Meningitis Research Foundation); CoMO (Confederation of Meningitis Organizations); PATH Outcomes: Tremendous efforts made in the past two decades ...

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Dates: 22-29/06/2023More than 90 surveillance, laboratory, immunization, and communication professionals, from different health regions of the country, participated in the workshop entitled” Standard Operating Procedures of the WHO in response to a poliovirus event or outbreak, and implementation of the recommendations for strengthening polio surve...

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Dates: 24 – 31 July 2023Participants: Immunization, maternal and child health and planning Managers of the Minister of Health, Mali (National and regional), WHO, UNICEF (HQs, ROs, COs)Background: The lot quality assurance-cluster sampling (LQA-CS) survey, which validated maternal and neonatal tetanus elimination (MNTE) in the six...

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COVID-19 vaccines have been developed in record time, but deployment has varied across countries due to differences in health system capacity, demand for the vaccine, and the purchasing power of countries. The aim is to synthesize experiences on service delivery and integration to inform future COVID-19 vaccination programming and for the knowledge...

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PAHO’s Special Program for Integrated Immunization (CIM) is pleased to announce the new electronic dashboard for the visualization of poliomyelitis data is now available to all our users. We are confident that our tool will prove valuable and effective in supporting data-driven decision making. The dashboard has four tabs: Risk Assessment, Surveill...

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In order to support countries with their vaccination-related risk communications and community engagement, PAHO has developed technical guidelines, “Communicating about Vaccination-Related Risks”. This document includes practical recommendations and lessons learned on the processes and principles of risk communication and community engagement, mess...

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