No images? Click hereG7 Heads of State and Health Ministers call for global support to achieving lasting polio-free world by 2026Meeting in Japan this month, leaders of the G7 urged for global support to the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI). In their official Communiqué issued at their Summit, G7 Health Minis...

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!-- !--!-- Hot Topics | Take Action | The Monthlies | Before You Go !--!-- MAY 24, 2023 !--!-- HOT TOPICS!--!-- The wait is over for #AIRA2023 presentations!The AIRA 2023 presentations are now available on our website and in the AIRA Repository. All presentations have been linked to the meeting agenda, for easier navigation. If you we...

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Co-authored with Stephan Kolassa (SAP) and Enno Siemsen (Wisconsin School of Business), is now available online for free. This book offers a concise and accessible overview of forecasting, tailored for a broader audience, and especially suited for those who don’t require an in-depth understanding of the technical details of forecasting.  New book a...

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PATH 96 News from PATH on vaccine developmentMay 2023|View Online|SubscribeIn this issue New tools support RSV disease prevention decision-making Novel type 1 oral polio vaccine candidate advances to Phase 2 st...

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JITSUVAX Annual Report 2023

Introducing JITSUVAX project (EU Horizon 2020 funded research) You can find further information in this linkWHAT IS JITSUVAX JITSUVAX is an EU Horizon 2020 funded project coordinated by the University of Bristol working with five other EU institutions as well as one in Canada. The project will run from April 2021 until March 2025. The JITSUV...

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Building Vaccine Confidence and Demand in a Digital Age

Building vaccine confidence and demand is an introductory series of self-directed learning modules that explores the basics of WHO infodemic management competencies and vaccine programming. This eLearning series is targeted at immunization providers, educators, and program planners (IPEPP) to help advance and adapt vaccine programming post-pandemic...

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The ability to collect and analyze accurate, up-to-date data is critical for the activities of the World Health Organization (WHO). For example, data on immunization and vaccine-preventable diseases (VPD) helps identify gaps, and trigger actions to be able to live in a “world where everyone, everywhere, at every age, fully benefits from vaccines to...

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Dashboard for Routine Vaccination Coverage Monitoring, Guatemala, May 2023. Data visualization plays a crucial role in analyzing public health data and aiding in informed decision-making. The introduction of an interactive dashboard by the Guatemalan Ministry of Health (MOH) has provided a valuable tool for daily reporting of COVID-19 cases. To enh...

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Participants: Officials from Ministries of Health from 10 countries and regional advisors from PAHO. This technical meeting was an opportunity for PAHO to demonstrate that Life Course Approach (LCA) concepts can be applied to a long-standing public health program, and that specific questions and concrete actions can be addressed under the auspices ...

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For the 13th year, the AFRO Region synchronized with the other 5 WHO regions to commemorate the World Immunization Week, from 24-30 April 2023. On 20 April, a press conference to set the scene was addressed by the Director of Programme Management (AFRO) and the Minister of Health of the Republic of Sierra Leone, among key hosts.On the contin...

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Four years after the introduction of the malaria vaccine in parts of Kenya, WHO’s Malaria Vaccine Implementation Programme (MVIP) team visited government offices, health facilities and homes in the country’s western region to hear from health professionals, community members and caregivers about what the malaria vaccine means to them and how the va...

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No images? Click here19 May 2023, Vol. 98, No. 20, pp. 205–226 Now online IN THIS ISSUE 205 Dracunculiasis eradication: global surveillance summary, 2022 225 Human African trypanosomiasis eliminated as a public health problem in Equatorial Guinea and Ghana 19 mai 2023, Vol. 98, No. 20, pp. 205...

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96 Boost routine childhood vaccinations TODAY Your gift transforms health care systems to reach more children and empower Community Health Workers!--An estimated 33 million children need to be vaccinated in Africa between 2023 and 2025 to achieve the Immunization Agenda 2030 goal of ensuring that every child has access to essential vaccines...

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!-- !--!-- Hot Topics | Take Action | The Monthlies | Before You Go !--!-- MAY 17, 2023 !--!-- HOT TOPICS!--!-- Are you involved in keeping vaccine code sets in sync and up to date? Accurate and complete immunization records are critical to ensure the health and safety of individuals and communities. To this end, we are collecting fee...

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96 !-- !-- !--!-- Register Now for the Provider Organization Onboarding for IIS training !--!-- AIRA is excited to announce the next offering of the Provider Organization Onboarding for IIS training. Registration is open and you can register here. Weekly sessions will begin on June 15, 2023. For questions, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. !--...

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This weekly report provides key highlights and operational recommendations based on social listening data from May 4-11 in Africa. Ce rapport hebdomadaire fournit des informations clés et des recommandations opérationnelles basée...

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This weekly report provides key highlights and operational recommendations based on social listening data from May 4-11 in Africa. rapport hebdomadaire fournit des informations clés et des recommandations opérationnelles basé...

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No images? Click here12 May 2023, Vol. 98, No. 19, pp. 195–204 Now online IN THIS ISSUE 195 Progress towards polio eradication –worldwide, January 2021–March 2023 12 mai 2023, Vol. 98, No. 19, pp. 195-204 Maintenant en ligne DANS CE NUMÉRO 195 Progrès accomplis en vue de l’éradication de la po...

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Supplementary immunization activities in Papua New GuineaOn Monday May 8, 2023, the Department of Health of Papua New Guinea supported by the WHO, UNICEF and other partners launched a vaccination campaign to address gaps in population immunity against childhood diseases.Read more in the latest issue of...

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Volume 17, Issue 4 - April 2023The Measles and Rubella Bulletin is a monthly publication reporting progress towards achieving measles and rubella elimination in the Western Pacific Region. Inside each issue, we present the latest reported data by country on measles and rubella incidence, surveillance performance, a...

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