Friday, 02 February 2018
  1 Replies
  7.1K Visits

Dear TechNet community members, Warm greetings!

The cold chain situation in many countries is sub-optimal and affects the capacity of national immunization programs to deliver potent vaccines to all women and children.To help improve this situation, the Gavi Board approved the Cold Chain Equipment Platform Optimization Platform (CCEOP) in 2015 with the purpose to support the purchase of CCE. Since 2016, CCEOP WHO pre-reviews and GAVI Independent Review Committee (IRC) revealed countries’ weaknesses to provide updated and specific policies and strategies for CCE decommissioning and disposal. Though there is no policy for vaccines CCE decommissioning and disposal, countries should plan for technical support and request guidance.This could be major barriers to the implementation of the CCEOP or any future CCE investments.

So I am contacting you, Dear TechNet community members, to request for best practices sharing from your countries. 

  • Existing CCE decommissioning and disposal policy or strategy or plan for immunization
  • Available CCE decommissioning and disposal guidelines for immunization
  • Existing partnerships between National Immunization programs and other stakeholders (public-private-NGO)

Your contribution will be very helpful to UNICEF which commits supporting countries developing policies and strategies for CCE disposal in the framework of the CCEOP implementation.

Thanks for considering this request and I am looking forward to your reply.



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