Wednesday, 19 September 2018
  5 Replies
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Dear TechNet Members,

Bhutan is going to develop Immunization Supply Chain Action Plan as a recommendation of the Regional ISC review meeting 2017. Appreciate if members could kindly share the sample of similar action plan for us to have an idea. 



6 years ago

Dear Chandralal,

Awesome initiative for Bhutan!

You'll find all the information you need to build your plan in the WHO-UNICEF guidance note on how to develop a continuous improvement plan (also called cIP) here:

The purpose of this document is to help countries build a case for supply chain investments and develop an improvement plan that engages relevant stakeholders, thus setting the immunization programme on a path for successful implementation.

Please let me know should you have any questions, and I can either help or relay them to cIP expert members. And good luck!





Dear Olivia,

Thank you very much for the document. 

Best regards, 


5 years ago
Dear Chandralal


During my previous Job in UNICEF as State Cold chain Manger in Odisha state in India had prepared a vision document of ISC. Kindly see the document , I think it will help .
Dr Ajit Basantaray
Senior Project Officer Gavi HSS UNDP
5 years ago
Dear Members,

Please find the Immunization Supply Chain Action Plan of India which was prepared in 2014-15 through partners consultation by MOHFW and by India's National center on Cold Chain and Vaccine Management (NNCVMRC ). It is very well aligned with the Improvement plan of EVM 2013, immunization cMYP 2017 . It is now time to review the implementation status of this vision document. 

Every country, irrespective of GAVI or non-GAVI should prepare this document and implement. Present status of investment in EPI SC is ad-hoc by all investors including GAVI, I found the programme is fixing symptoms, not the cause. There is no vision document of the country to address issues of EPI supply chain in a systematic way, to fix issues of policies, process, and practices irrespective. India could improve due to the approach of root cause fixing.

Dr Srihari Dutta,


Senior Public Health Exert

Working for UNICEF-ROSA

Baikunthasadan, HN11, C-Lane

Street No.1, Sastrinagar,Haridwar Road, Dehradun

Uttarakhand, Pin-248001,Email: [email protected]

Ph: +91 9411587628,9560198557

5 years ago

Ensuring that your cold chain logistics provider is of the highest standards will see to it that the delivery of immunization services and personalized medicine does not lack in crucial areas. Decisions in pharma logistics are irreversible. If at any one point, the vaccines are not kept within the safe temperature zone, the cold chain will get disrupted, and vaccines will turn from potential lifesavers into a threat. One should opt for a logistics provider that comes with storage options for multiple temperature zones, advanced tracking technologies, the latest cold-chain solutions, and reverse logistics.

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