Icelined refrigerators have become a dominant standard worldwide for the safe storage of vaccine in areas of unreliable electricity supplies. In the 35 years since the start of the Product Information Sheets not a single upright, domestic compression refrigerator has been posted in the pre-qualified catalogue of WHO for a sustained period. Yet upright, domestic refrigerators that are used to store vaccines are far more numerous than the Icelined refrigerator in spite of the published risks of exposing vaccines to heat and freezing. Industrialized countries with multi-national manfacturers of refrigerators use domestic refrigerators in immunization clinics or pharmaceutical refrigerators in larger facilities. Even low to middle income countries are increasingly commercialising their own domestic refrigerators under license from the multi-nationals. Countries such as Morocco, Tunisia and Algeria use domestic refrigerators bought on the local market and only a few Icelined refrigerators in larger stores.
Looking forward to the near future, two changes are likely to alter procurement preferences for Icelined refrigerators. First, there is a new acceleration of demand for storage of vaccines and for medicines for non-communicable diseases classified for refrigeration or controlled room temperature. Not only are quantities and volumes increasing but the diversity of presentations of vaccines is also growing. Until now the icelined refrigerator has been top opening due to the original parent, the chest freezer. Managing stocks of meat is easy in a chest freezer but as vaccines and presentations increase managing stocks becomes increasingly difficult. Front opening refrigerators provide better access to shelving where vaccine containers can be arranged for better identification. A recent trend may make it possible to improve vaccine management and swtich more domestic refrigerators to Icelined.
Motivated by the recent market popularity of American double-door domestic refrigerators, European manufacturers are offering their biggest refrigerators and freezers in pairs with identical external casing at prices far lower than the US counterparts. Converting the heavily insulated freezer of this pair to an icelined refrigerator for vaccine should be practicable by using an icebank situated at the top of the appliance. In this way the high prices of pharmaceutical refrigerators can be avoided and the Icelined refrigerator could be incorporated into the assembly lines of european and other international manufacturers product lines. A voltage regulator and highspeed circuit breaker should be incorporated as standard and a set of thermal sensors to link with proprietary temperature monitoring instruments procured separately. Two more stimulae to the use of the Icelined refrigerator worldwide would be first to regulate the vaccine refrigerator as a medical product to steer procurement away from standard doemstic refrigerators. The second would be to organise regional pooled procurement of the Icelined, front-opening refrigerators to assure a big enough market to interest manufacturers.
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