
A good quality survey, what is it?
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The Routine immunization and the supplementary immunization activities surveys need to be conducted on a good quality basis. I invite you to share here the different components of a survey to be of strong quality.



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  1. hace 4 años
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A mon avis l'exigence de qualité est une nécessité
Chaque etape de l'enquête de CV a ses exigences propres de qualité lors de l'echantillonnage(échantillonnage aléatoire), Recueil des données (representative à l'échelon National),Analyse des données et lors de la Rédaction du rapport
  1. hace 4 años
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Agree with Didier. We really need to focus on each step, because there are risks of biases and errors in every step, from even deciding what the survey can answer well, and what it cannot answer, to planning to piloting to training and supervision of the work to proper sampling and analysis, and use of the results to do something differently or if all is well, keep doing more of what is working.

Measuring coverage is conceptually easy... measuring coverage well is practically difficult, because each tool we have (admin systems, surveys) is imperfect.

Looking forward to read other reactions.
  1. hace 4 años
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Talking about the stages, they should be documented in the survey protocol. Compliance to each aspect stated in the protocol remains vital in achieving better survey results. Some few examples may include:
-No replacement of EAs/households during data collection;
-Perform household listing and EA mapping systematically in each selected EA;
-Interview all eligible children in a household etc.
Consider for instance that EAs are replaced. This will tend to change the probabilities of selection of EAs, which will then affect the weights, thus leading to biased estimates. Failure to conduct household listing will equally generate biased estimate. And so on…………….
We therefore have to stick to all procedures stated in the survey protocol.
  1. hace 4 años
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Thank you for your answers above,
My inputs will be that, coverage survey (Routine Immunization) should first fit into a bigger picture of tools to evaluate the Immunization program, in addition to other tools such as the EVM reports, DQS/DQA, the Joint Appraisal etc.... Therefore, the focus before we start planning should be to try and respond to these questions: what information are we looking for, why? and for what actions?
The quality of the survey is not only how well we conduct it according to procedures, but also how does it reflect our local context and how well decision-makers can use its outcomes.
  1. hace 4 años
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Je remercie tous ceux qui ont apporté leur contribution à la question posée et j'adhère à leurs idées.
Pour ma part j'ajouterai que la première qualité d'une enquête de CV est sa capacité à répondre aux besoins en informations du moment comme l'ont si bien souligné les premiers; cela suppose que la planification a été bien faite C'est à dire dans la bonne période; ensuite que l’enquête a pris en compte les principales préoccupations du programme dans l'élaboration des indicateurs et ceci se faisant avec la participation des premiers utilisateurs des résultats de l’enquête; afin que les résultats de l’enquête soient acceptés par toutes les parties prenantes.
Il faut aussi que l’enquête réponde aux nouvelles directives de l'OMS sur les enquêtes de couverture vaccinale; ce que va permettre d'avoir un échantillon représentatif gage d'une extrapolation/utilisation des données à différents niveaux du programme; le respect de la procédure d'échantillonnage et de sélection des différentes unités de sondage.
A ceux qualités j'ajouterai la diffusion des résultats le plutôt possible,
  1. hace 4 años
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I think all contributed to the question and I agree with their ideas.
For my part, I will add the quality of a survey on a resume, the ability to meet needs and information about when they were stressed; this means that planning was well done Ie in the correct period; Then the investigator took into account the main objectives of the program. so that the survey results are accepted by all stakeholders.
It also requires that the survey answers in the new guidelines of the vaccine investigation; that we will have the representative sample sample use / extrapolation of data at different levels of the program; compliance with the sampling procedure and selection of different sampling units.
At each of my qualities I will add the dissemination of results as soon as possible
  1. hace 4 años
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Hello everyone, dear The 2010 Union Nations document entitled "Practical Guide
For the design of household surveys "in its note 64 point 3.4.2 stratification rules, says this:" As, theoretically, each stratum can be treated independently during the design of the sample, it is not strata should be created on the basis of objective criteria. Subjective criteria, if desired, can be used as well. Can you help me better understand this passage which questions all my understanding of the stratification criteria? if you can support you explanations by example. Thank you
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