17 November 2023, Vol. 98, No. 46, pp. 583–598 Now online IN THIS ISSUE 583 WHO’s Health Emergencies Programme: acute emergencies monthly summary – October 2023 587 Progress towards regional measles elimination – worldwide, 2000–202217 novembre 2023, Vol. 98, No. 46, pp. 583-598 M...
4 minute read NOVEMBER 15, 2023 IN THIS ISSUE Less Than One Month to Submit Your #AIRA2024 Abstract Don't Forget: AIRA's November Discovery Session Is Fast Approaching Information Requests Data Viz Tip of the Month From Our Members and Partners TAKE ACTIONLess Than One Month to Submit Your #AIRA2024 Abstract There’s now less t...
World Pneumonia Day | November 2023IVAC Commemorates World Pneumonia Day Since 2009, IVAC has joined the immunization community in observing World Pneumonia Day on November 12th – a chance to bring global awareness to pneumonia as a leading cause of morbidity and mortality in children under 5.For over 10 years...
November 2023 | A celebration twenty years in the making: the journey of Japanese encephalitis vaccine introduction and delivery͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ November 2023 Subscribe A celebration twenty years in the making: the journey of Japanese encephalitis vaccine ...
Dates: 16-19 October 2023 Venue: Panama City, Panama Participants: Immunization professionals from 70 organizations and from more than 70 countries, ranging from national governments, academia and the private sector to consultants, donors, non-government organisations, and inter-governmental organisations. Background: TechNet is a global network of...
For the first time in 2019, the Americas reported more adults aged 65 or older than children younger than 5. These demographic shifts are expected to continue over time. As countries recognize the opportunities and challenges associated with this demographic shift, they must maximize the impact of their public health interventions – such as vaccina...
The delivery of COVID-19 (C19) vaccines posed unprecedented challenges in terms of delivery volume and new target populations. Meanwhile, what it costs to deliver these vaccines remains highly uncertain.To support governments in planning and budgeting for the C19 vaccination programs, ThinkWell, partnering with Genesis Analytics and the Hano...
Malawi introduced typhoid conjugate vaccine (TCV) into its routine immunization program beginning with a week-long campaign in May 2023 for children between the ages of 9 months and younger than 15 years. The integrated campaign included TCV, measles-rubella, and polio vaccines, as well as vitamin A supplementation for eligible children, further st...
Volume 17, Issue 10 - October 2023The Measles and Rubella Bulletin is a monthly publication reporting progress towards achieving measles and rubella elimination in the Western Pacific Region. Inside each issue, we present the latest reported data by country on measles and rubella incidence, surveillance performance...
Dear all,With a slight delay, here are the updates for October and as usual feel free to forward to your NITAG members and secretariat if they are not part of the mailing list.COVID-19: NACI published an Updated guidance on the use of COVID-19 vaccines in individuals who have not previously been vaccinated against COVID-19. Going fo...
10 November 2023, Vol. 98, No. 45, pp. 567–582 Now online IN THIS ISSUE 567 Health–Security Interface Technical Advisory Group (HSI-TAG): annual meeting summary 572 Elimination of human onchocerciasis: progress report, 2022–202310 novembre 2023, Vol. 98, No. 45, pp. 567-582 Mainten...
Fighting polio vaccine misinformationWhile the end of polio is within reach, immunization efforts can easily be derailed by the rapid spread of vaccine misinformation. A few years ago, fake videos of children falling sick after receiving polio vaccination spread like wildfire on social media in Pakistan causing mas...
5 minute read NOVEMBER 8, 2023 IN THIS ISSUE Less Than One Month to Submit Your #AIRA2024 Abstract Register Today for AIRA's November Discovery Session Information Requests October ACIP Meeting Highlights TAKE ACTIONLess Than One Month to Submit Your #AIRA2024 Abstract There’s now less than one month left to submit your abstra...
You have until 24 November to submit your abstracts for the PtD Global Indaba Submit your abstracts for the PtD Global Indaba You have until 24 November to submit your abstracts for the PtD Global IndabaWhat: The PtD Global Indaba When: 6-8 March 2024 Where: Royal Orchid Sheraton Hotel & Towers, Bangkok, ThailandPeople that D...
3 November 2023, Vol. 98, No. 44, pp. 555–566 Now online IN THIS ISSUE 555 Routine vaccination coverage – worldwide, 2022 564 Belize certified as malaria-free3 novembre 2023, Vol. 98, No. 44, pp. 555-566 Maintenant en ligne DANS CE NUMÉRO 555 Couverture de la vaccination systématique dans le m...
Take Action | Hot Topics | The Monthlies | Before You Go 8 minute read NOVEMBER 1, 2023 IN THIS ISSUE Message from the Executive Director 2023–2024 SISC Technical Small Groups #AIRA2024 Deadline Approaching Register Today for AIRA's November Discovery Session Information Requests From Our Members and Partners Welcome New Staff to AIRA...
VACCINE ACCESS DIGEST | OCTOBER 2023NEWS & ANNOUNCEMENTSIVAC’s Dr. Shaun Truelove to Co-Lead Infectious Disease Modeling and Analytics CenterThe Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Center for Forecasting and Outbreak Analytics recently established the Outbreak Analytics and Disease Modeling ...
COVID-19 Vaccination in the Region of the Americas: Targets Met and Future Challenges © iStock On 5 May 2023, the Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO), Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, declared an end to the COVID-19 public health emergency of international concern, as recommended by the WHO Emergency Committe...
EYE Strategy September newsletter7th EYE Strategy Annual Partners’ MeetingThe next EYE Annual Partners' Meeting will be an in-person meeting on 12th to 14th March 2024 with live streaming for those that can't attend. The location is yet to be confirmed, but is likely to be held in one of...
World Polio Day 2023: A global and urgent call to “Make Polio History”To celebrate this year’s World Polio Day, supporters from over 30 countries, across every region of the world, joined the Make Polio History campaign to tell global partners, donors, and polio-affected country governments that eradication is po...