
QUestions about HOW to RUN VCQI video ?
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Dear thanks, for your video "How to run VCQI"
I ran it exactly as you mentioned in the video but it did not work.
The message on Stata was:
. * Open the VCQI log and put a comment in it
. vcqi_log_comment $VCP 3 Comment "Run begins...log opened..."
command vcqi_log_comment is unrecognized

end of do-file


vicqi_cleanup also failed with answer:
. vcqi_cleanup
command vcqi_cleanup is unrecognized

Could you tell me what to do ?
Many thanks



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Here the answer I got which provided me the help needed (and then being able to run VCQI):

The error message you sent means that the VCQI programs are NOT in your Stata adopath.

Try the following:

Start Stata
Type the command ‘adopath’
You should see seven rows that point to folders holding VCQI programs.
If you do not see these 7 rows, then your profile.do is not saved in the right place or the folders listed in it do not exist.
If you see those rows, please use the file explorer to be sure that those 7 folders exist and hold the VCQI programs.

A quick way to tell whether your adopath is pointing to the right folders or not is to type the stata command:

"which svypd"

svypd is one of the VCQI stata commands. If Stata cannot find a command named svypd, then you don’t have the adopath working right. If it CAN find that command, then you’re path is probably find, and the problems mentioned below will go away
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