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Solar cold chain equipment versus solar systems: where should we be going?

Some photos from the very entertaining presentation/performance given by Steve McCarney (SELF), Modibo Dicko (consultant), and Joanie Robertson (Gavi). Here is the blurb from the conference guide:

Thousands of health facilities in developing...
Some photos from the very entertaining presentation/performance given by Steve McCarney (SELF), Modibo Dicko (consultant), and Joanie Robertson (Gavi). Here is the blurb from the conference guide:

Thousands of health facilities in developing countries lack reliable electricity yet immunization programmes have long recognized the importance of a reliable power source for WHO-prequalified cold chain equipment (CCE) to keep vaccines potent. Solar panels matched with appropriate refrigerators have been in use for over three decades. Now the second generation of solar direct-drive (SDD) equipment have been improved by eliminating the need for a large industrial battery. In this session we will probe the idea of expanding solar beyond just powering CCE with the following questions: What other basic needs are not being provided for? So why have basic needs not also been powered with solar electricity?, Are these basic needs not so important or is this for other programmes to solve? Are there any new developments to help these facilities obtain basic needs?, What are the drawbacks of expanding solar power beyond CCE? How can larger facilities with much larger needs be addressed? Who should be addressing larger facilities with unreliable electricity and how? This discussion will bring together global and field perspe ctives to share insights on these questions.
9 Febrero 2016 en   Bangkok, Thailand
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