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Información de evento
Título del evento:
Fecha / Hora del Evento:

31st May, 2023 1:00PM


31st May, 2023 2:00PM

Descripción del evento:

We are pleased to invite you the first peer learning session organized by Gavi’s Zero-Dose Learning Hub (ZDLH):

1st ZDLH-X inter-country peer learning exchange
31 May 2023 at 4:30 PM Dakka / 11 AM Bamako / 1 PM Geneva
Simultaneous interpretation will be offered in French and English.
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This first ‘ZDLH-X’ is being organized by Gavi’s global learning partners, specifically, The Geneva Learning Foundation (TGLF) as part of the consortium led by John Snow, Inc. (JSI).

You will find attached the formal invitation in English and in French from ZDLH project director Erin Broekhuysen, alongside the formal communication from Mali’s national EPI team sent to all regional health directors. Although this event will focus on Bangladesh and Mali, participants from all countries are welcome, together with global partners interested in learning about zero-dose work at the local levels.

We would appreciate your support in sharing this invitation with relevant colleagues in your organization. View the event announcement on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter. If you share the event announcement, please follow this link to let us know who you are reaching.

You will find attached an invitation toolkit with key messages, links, and images that your social media team can use in dissemination efforts.

The ZDLH is a new Gavi-funded effort designed to improve how data and evidence are used to successfully identify and reach zero-dose children and the missed communities in which they live. It is composed of one global learning hub and four Country Learning Hubs in Bangladesh, Mali, Nigeria and Uganda.

The first ZDLH-X session will connect health professionals from Bangladesh and Mali, from both government and civil society organizations (CSOs). Attendees will be asked to share successes, lessons learned, and challenges in their zero-dose work.

Learn more about this initiative by reviewing a list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ). You may also contact Charlotte Mbuh at [email protected] for further information.

About the Gavi ZDLH
The Gavi ZDLH serves as the global learning partner for this zero-dose initiative and is led by JSI Research & Training Institute, Inc. (JSI) with two consortium partners, The Geneva Learning Foundation (TGLF) and the Indian Institute of Health Management Research (IIHMR). Together, the consortium will enable sharing and learning across four Country Learning Hubs (CLHs) in Bangladesh, Mali, Nigeria, and Uganda to advance the uptake of evidence by synthesizing and disseminating key learnings. The ZDLH will also focus on improving immunisation equity and reducing the number of zero-dose ZD and under-immunized children globally by facilitating high-quality evidence generation and uptake.

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