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Información de evento
Título del evento:
Fecha / Hora del Evento:

29th Mar, 2023 3:00PM


29th Mar, 2023 4:00PM

Descripción del evento:

This is the 3rd webiar session in the series on ‘Life course and Integration’. This webinar series, organized by the IA2030 Working Group for life course and Integration, will showcase examples from immunization programmes that are successfully working toward an integrated life course approach to vaccination.


Session 3: Catch-up vaccination – an ongoing safety net to reduce immunity gaps across the life course

The importance of having a catch-up vaccination strategy has been especially highlighted following interruptions to immunization programmes in recent years. But as programmes direct their efforts to urgently close growing immunity gaps, the emphasis must not be only on short-term solutions.  This is an opportunity to advocate for catch-up vaccination as an ongoing component of essential immunization delivery, and key step toward implementing a life course approach to immunization.

Date: Mar 29, 3pm CEST

A FR interpretation will be available.

Register here:

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