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  • Géraldine Nemrod ha subido un nuevo video
    The recording of this webinar session is also available in Portuguese
    Introdução à plataforma de aprendizagem móvel AFRiSC
    Este é um webinar para introduzir a aplicação de aprendizagem móvel AFRiSC. AFRiSC é uma solução inovadora de software destinada a reforçar a capacidade e as...
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  • Géraldine Nemrod ha subido un nuevo video
    L'enregistrement FR de cette session webinaire est disponible ici
    Introduction à la plateforme d'apprentissage mobile AFRiSC
    Ce webinaire vise à présenter l'application d'apprentissage mobile AFRiSC. AFRiSC est une solution logicielle innovante visant à renforcer les capacités et l...
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  • Géraldine Nemrod ha subido un nuevo video
    The EN recording of this webinar is available at:
    Introduction to AFRiSC mobile learning platform
    This is a webinar to introduce the AFRiSC mobile learning application. AFRiSC is an innovative software solution aimed to reinforce the capacity and competen...
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  • Géraldine Nemrod creó un nuevo evento

    Introduction to AFRiSC mobile learning platform

    This is a webinar to introduce the AFRiSC mobile learning application. AFRiSC is an innovative software solution aimed to reinforce the capacity and competencies of cold chain and logistics staff and managers operating and managing the immunization Supply Chain (iSC) systems in the different coun...

    This is a webinar to introduce the AFRiSC mobile learning application. AFRiSC is an innovative software solution aimed to reinforce the capacity and competencies of cold chain and logistics staff and managers operating and managing the immunization Supply Chain (iSC) systems in the different countries of WHO African Region.

    Date: Feb 15, 10.00-11.30 West Central Africa

    French and Portuguese interpretations will be available.

    Register here:

    15th Feb, 2023 10:00 - 11:30 - Africa/Brazzaville
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