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  • Géraldine Nemrod ha subido un nuevo video
    L'enregistrement de l'interprétation française de cette session est également disponible
    Élaborer et mettre en œuvre un plan d'amélioration continue (cIP)
    Ce webinaire est la troisième session de notre série sur Renforcer les chaînes d'approvisionnement des vaccins avec l'outil d'évaluation de la gestion effica...
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  • Géraldine Nemrod ha subido un nuevo video
    Here is the recording of the session
    Developing and implementing a continuous improvement plan (cIP)
    This webinar is the 3rd in the series on Strengthening immunization supply chains with the Effective Vaccine Management (EVM) assessment tool.Panelists:- Ola...
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  • The presentation of this webinar session is now available in English
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  • Marius VOUKING asistirá a este evento
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  • Géraldine Nemrod actualizó la imagen de portada del evento
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  • Géraldine Nemrod creó un nuevo evento

    Developing, implementing and validating a successful continuous improvement plan (cIP)

    Join us in this third session of a four-part webinar series on the WHO-UNICEF Effective Vaccine Management (EVM) assessment tool and how it can support the successful implementation of a national immunization continuous improvement plan (cIP).

    EVM is a global initiative to increase immunization co...

    Join us in this third session of a four-part webinar series on the WHO-UNICEF Effective Vaccine Management (EVM) assessment tool and how it can support the successful implementation of a national immunization continuous improvement plan (cIP).

    EVM is a global initiative to increase immunization coverage through the continuous improvement of vaccine supply chains, ensuring potent, life-saving vaccines are available to vaccinate populations through the life course when and where they’re needed. EVM was launched in 2009. Drawing on lessons learnt conducting EVM assessments in more than 80 countries, and by leveraging developments in mobile and cloud-based computing, EVM2 was released in 2019. The new tool builds upon the original to provide countries with a broader, more powerful, more agile and more sustainable solution for improving immunization supply chain systems. For more information on EVM, visit the EVM website.

    Session 3 - Developing, implementing and validating a successful continuous improvement plan (cIP)
    Date: 16.06.2022 
    Presenter: Olamide Folaronso (UNICEF)

    Register here:

    16th Jun, 2022 15:00 - 16:00 - Europe/Zurich
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