Jueves, 02 Septiembre 2021
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The WHO’s Department of Immunization, Vaccines and Biologicals (IVB) and WHO Health Emergency programme (WHE) are partnering with Project ECHO of the University of New Mexico (UNM), UNICEF, and TechNet-21 to host a series of 15 sessions that align with countries’ immediate and medium-term needs.

Webinar series topic: WHO Costing, Budgeting, Financing and Delivery of COVID-19 Vaccines 

The objectives of this webinar series are to optimize the use of existing resources and technical assistance through sharing of guidance, tools, resources, learnings, and best practices to support costing, budgeting, and financing of C19 immunization programs by:
  1. providing technical assistance on the use of C19 tools, guidance, resources, and trainings on costing, budgeting and financing, including the use of the updated CVIC tool version 2.2;
  2. sharing best practices in a community of practice on key challenges, benefits, and use of costing and budgeting tools such as the CVIC 2.2 as well as strategies to maintain routine immunization services.

Next session Process of planning, costing and budgeting in African region

Countries have been facing challenges to control the COVID-19 pandemic. After the availability of vaccines, countries need to plan for the roll-out, cost for the vaccine delivery, and budget for the vaccination programme. How has the African region dealt with the challenges and how have they been supporting their countries in the process? This will be a session to learn from the African region.

Interpretation into French and Spanish will be available 

When: Wednesday 08 September 12:00 CEST 

Registration link: https://echo.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_-laAatzPS1SeSxvJmF-PNg 

2 years ago

Answers to all questions asked during this webinar session have now been provided by the session presenters. The full Q&A has been consolidated into a single document that can be found here:


These are the questions that have been answered:

  • Is the implementation of SAGE prioritization roadmap working in Africa? 
  • To what extend is WHO coordinating beyond development partners but inclusive of governments own efforts to acquire vaccines? 
  • Some of the countries are still updating their NDVP or their costing, so if they would like to see support how they should do so? 
  • Which components are given more weight under CDS funding? On what factors does budget ceiling depend? 
  • Regarding the cost per person vaccinated, which indicator are you going to use? 
  • How does WHO ensure vaccine equity in its planning and budgeting process? 
  • When reaching for equity, which group has been harder to address: women, people with disability, people in rural communities, etc.? 
  • Are there any tools provided by the WHO for countries regarding IAR implementation? 
  • We heard from GAVI last week that countries will be required to submit a detailed mapping of all the available financing from internal and external sources to support COVID-19 vaccines rollout, in order to access the needs-based Country Delivery Support funds later this year. Will AFRO be supporting countries directly (or developing tools) for this new mapping activity? 
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