Viernes, 15 Abril 2016
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Dear Technet Colleagues,

Around the world a variety of professionals are involved in 'health supply chains' (the supply chain responsible for moving medicines and medical equipment from manufacture to the patient). In some countries these are professional logistics and supply chain personnel. In other countries, health personnel (pharmacists, doctors, nurses) and in many countries a combination of these.

The FIP Board of Pharmaceutical Practice established the“FIP working group on pharmacists in supply chain”to look at how pharmacists can best be utilised in health supply chains.This survey aims to determinepharmacist onlycompetenciesand behavioursneeded in the health supply chain. Understanding such competencies can maximize supply chain efficiency and highlight gaps in personnel, education, and/or training. This evidence may also support the best utilization of existing pharmacists, where pharmacists are few.

We would like to ask you for your participation in the survey created by the working group, to help us to better understand the situation internationally.

Please fill in the survey here:

It takes approximately 15 to 20 minutes to complete.

Please fill it at your earliest convenience, but no later than Sunday,1stMay.

Your contribution is important for the success of this work andYou are welcome to circulate this request in your networks.

Thank you very much in advance.


Andrew N. Brown PhD BPharm

FIP Working Group Co-Chair

Health Systems Strengthening Consultant

Adjunct Professional Associate, University of Canberra

+61411137625,[email protected]

Skype: Andrew.brown.uc

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