Sábado, 26 Abril 2003
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POST 00562E : COLOR OF VVMs Follow-up to POST 00558E 26 April 2003 ________________________________________________ Moderator's note: It appears that some members do not see what should be seen in the first attachment to Post 00558E, "How to read VVM1". The top two VVMs should have a tickmark on their right indicating they are OK and vaccines can be used, while the bottom two should have an X, indicating that the vaccines should not be used. Depending upon the version of your word processor, the font used to show both these marks may have changed and the marks appear quite different and meaningless. So if you do not see the marks properly, you can change them easily as this file is in Word format. _________________________________________ Souleymane (mailto:[log in to unmask]) from WHO in IVORY COSTE wants to share yet another tool for the interpretation of VVMs with those who have not seen it already. Here is his message with an attachment. _________________________________________ Thank you for sharing these docs. In the same order can the attached document be shared. We have recently received it from HQ and it was really helpful. Souleymane _________________________________________ Moderator's note : This file is especially intended for those whose responsibility is interpreting VVM readings. It is relatively heavy, around 0.5 MB, and is not presently available in other WHO documents accessible through the Internet. As its name says, this file shows the hue variation (minimum and maximum), and the gradual transition from start to end-point color. If someone pays attention only to the square color of a maximum darker VVM (left column), it may be thought that it is pretty dark compared to minimum column. What is important here is that the VVM reference circle color may vary from batch to batch along with that of the square, but the reading principle remains the same. As explained in the previous posting, the VVM square is never snow white at the start point, there may be some hue variations from batch to batch. Thus the darkness of the square should ALWAYS be compared with the outer circle to make a decision. _____________________________________________________________ Visit the TECHNET21 Website at http://www.technet21.org You will find instructions to subscribe, a direct access to archives, links to reference documents and other features. ______________________________________________________________________________ To UNSUBSCRIBE, send a message to : mailto:[log in to unmask] Leave the subject area BLANK In the message body, write unsubscribe TECHNET21E ______________________________________________________________________________ The World Health Organization and UNICEF support TechNet21. The TechNet21 e-Forum is a communication/information tool for generation of ideas on how to improve immunization services. It is moderated by Claude Letarte and is hosted in cooperation with the Centre de internationale en , Canada (http://www.ccisd.org) ______________________________________________________________________________ ##text##
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