Martes, 13 Diciembre 2016
  3 Replies
  6.1K Visits

Dear members,

I'm looking fo a master in health information management. I've been looking on the web put I could not find anything relevant despite some trainings in privaite/public data and systems management while I'm more interested in something related to public health management in low and middle incomes countries.

If any of you have heard about any school/university that offers this kind of master, please kindly answer in posting a link.

All the best,


7 years ago

Dear Gael

To my knowledge there are several programs in different universities, also there are many fellowships in this matter.

1. Karolinska Institute in Sweden they have " Joint Master Programme in Health Informatics", it is a two years program with stockholm university. [Applications is Open]

2. Rollins School of Public Health at Emory University, USA, they have "Master of Science in Public Health: Public Health Informatics" [Application is Open]

3. Mailman School of Public Health at Culombia University, USA, Master of Public Health "concentration Public Health Informatics"

Application is closed as far as I know

4. CDC has a fellowship called Public Health Informatician Fellowship Program PHIFP, [Application is also closed]

I hope that I satistifed your inquiry, please let me know if you found something else or similar because I am also intrested in same field

All the best,


7 years ago


Nice to meet you on Technet-21. We met in the Atlanta meeting in September. I wonder if you have seen this program. A few of my colleagues now working in the Public Health Informatics Institute have graduated from it and they loved the program:

  1. Emory University's Applied Public Health Informatics at The Rollins School of Public Health:
  2. Also please see the Informatics Academy of the Public Health Informatics Institute (PHII):

I hope these are helpful.

Best wishes,


Dear Sarah and Ossama,

A huge thank for the valuable links you have sent me.

On my side I found two other masters from other sources :

Let see if we can extend this list.

Thanks again and worm regards,


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