Jueves, 22 Octubre 2009
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Currently Abhay Clinics are providing vaccine refrigerators to private practitioners in their network. Government agencies use the old Bluestar or VestFrost ILRs at the block and district levels and Walk In Coolers above this. Voltas does not seem to make ILRs. The new Haier ILRs appear to be of a different specification. So what do other private agencies do? Big private hospitals with lots of deliveries or private pediatricians or NGOs with rural beneficiaries? Should we have some provision for providers giving over one hundred immunizations a week or should they find time to approach the government stores every day? They can afford to buy an ILR--but it is not available in the market. This is a large part of the immunization sector. Prabir
14 years ago
This is a critical issue, GoI recently drafted and circulated guidelines on involvement of Private Players (both practitioners and NGO) in immunization. These were sent to the states. The guidelines can be obtained from the state government or GoI and these institutes can request the district/state for the required logistics including the ILR/DF.
14 years ago
Dear all, Although WHO PQS does prequalify equipment for UN purchase, its perspective is to examine and propose equipments that are suitable for immunization could it be for UN purchase, member states, or the private sector. The specifications for these equipments are published in our website at: http://www.who.int/immunization_standards/vaccine_quality/pqs/en/index.html On the manufacturer's side, we do have to recognize that the market for those equipments is limited in comparison to the market on equipments for domestic purposes. However, few manufacturers are very dedicated in proposing equipments that we do consider appropriate for immunization programmes. Although only few PQS prequalified equipments (including ILRs from HAIER) can be found in our website due to some delays in the prequalification process, many more are in the pipeline and should be published in the near future. For further information, the PQS secretariat can be contacted at [[email protected]][email protected][/email] It is to be noted that manufacturers do not produce specifically for the UN or Ministries of Health, but that these products are on the market for any one who wants to purchase them, including the private sector. So in that sense I am not sure to understand the remark made here. Is it a problem of international procurement specific to India and limiting availability of products on local market? Kind regards,
14 years ago
Many thanks for the link. We are wondering about individual purchasers- who would buy one or at most two ILRs on the local market. There are thousands of pediatricians and small and big hospitals who keep vaccines in domestic refrigerators- which is not really advisable I believe there have been some complaints about the brand mentioned in India. Since I last wrote some sources tell me that other brands appear to cost around 2000 US dollars in India (both international made and Indian made). This is in contrast to 600 US dollars for Deep Freezers. Prabir --
12 years ago
Sir, I tried with a local manufacturer who made a few of different sizes, the smallest was 7 liter size desktop model followed by 20 liter, 40 liter and recently 65 liter. They are all in working condition with the users. The recent one is in our Institution. Since it is exclusively for keeping Vaccines and costs much more than Domestic refrigerator he makes it only on specific demand. I am worried about the presence of potency of the vaccine at the time of administration and without VVM it's difficult to make sure whether the vaccine is potent at the time of administration. On verification during my field visits to private hospitals/clinics in very few places I saw VVM in use-able condition. That's why I feel we do need a 'COLD REVOLUTION' in the vaccination programme to make it an "IMMUNIZATION" programme.
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