UNICEF Cervical Cancer Toolkit

Cervical cancer toolkit UNICEFUNICEF made available a complete supply solution for the use of countries to support cervical cancer elimination programmes.

The Cervical Cancer Toolkit is an ideal reference point for programme leaders, supply managers, experts, policy makers and donors.

Available products in the toolkit support the prevention, diagnosis and treatment pillars of the global cervical cancer elimination strategy, to enable countries reaching 90-70-90 targets by 2030.

The products include:

  • HPV vaccines;
  • HPV molecular tests, and portable colposcopes, and
  • Portable thermal ablation devices for cervical pre-cancer.

The Cervical Cancer Toolkit approaches the elimination agenda comprehensively. It aims to support health programmes particularly in low and middle-income countries to make progress towards elimination in a sustainable, effective and cost-efficient way.

For any questions please contact Tatsiana Ptashnik, Contracts Manager, UNICEF Supply Division - Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo.