Hello, We know many of you saw the mass vaccination information that came out in the CDC IIS Information Brief this morning, and we’ve already gotten many questions from our members about what further information AIRA has on the mass vaccination tool CDC referred to in the brief. The short answer is that we don’t have further details on the tool, a...

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Hello, A new resource, Vaccine Code Set Considerations: If Only It Were Rocket Science, is now published on the AIRA website. This document provides a general overview of vaccine code sets and also briefly describes how code sets are used in support of multiple and varied IIS functions, including electronic data exchange with EHRs and other he...

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Dear AIRA Community, Due to the unfolding COVID-19 pandemic, it is with heavy hearts that we announce that the AIRA National Meeting, scheduled for August 11 – 13, 2020 in Portland, will be postponed until 2021. Out of concern for the health and safety of our attendees, employees, and local communities — and in line with recent government orders in...

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A Healthy Community is a More Resilient Community22 schools and community-based organizations and their partners have been working to improve the resilience of 245 communities by strengthening food systems, increasing availability of safe outdoor spaces, and promoting wellness policies and practices in schools, worksites, hospitals, and community o...

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Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. Issue 1496: May 20, 2020 TOP STORIESIAC launches Repository of Resources for Maintaining Immunization during COVID-19 Pandemic CDC publishes "Decline in Child Immunization Coverage during the COVID-19 Pandemic—Michigan Care Improvement Registry, May 2016–May 2020" in MMWR Early Re...

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15 May 2020, Vol. 95, No. 20, pp. 29–228 Now online IN THIS ISSUE 209 Dracunculiasis eradication: global surveillance summary, 2019Download 15 mai 2020, Vol. 95, No. 20, pp. 209-228 Maintenant en ligne DANS CE NUMÉRO 209 Éradication de la dracunculose: bilan de la surveillance mondiale, 2019Télécharger...

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Posted in BID Learning Network (BLN), News, Policies & Practices, Products Photo: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation/Riccardo Gangale. A nurse administers vaccines to children at the Ngarenaro Health Center in Arusha, Tanzania. The COVID-19 pandemic is putting a strain on health systems worldwide. The increasing demand on health facilities and...

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Hello, Please see the following Information Request from the NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. If you are willing to share information, please reply directly to this email and include contact information for follow-up. INFORMATION REQUESTEDNYC would like to know if other jurisdictions have an electronic VFC enrollment process OR a dual e...

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Hello, AIRA Members –You may have heard that the National Quality Forum (NQF) is currently considering two immunization-related measures. The NQF Prevention and Population Health Standing Committee reviewed the Prenatal Immunization Status (PRS) and the Adult Immunization Status (AIS) measures for endorsement consideration. The PRS measure h...

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IAC Express #1495 - Your weekly immunization news service: MenB Vaccination Honor Roll and moreEmail not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. Issue 1495: May 13, 2020 TOP STORIESCDC publishes “Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Routine Pediatric Vaccine Ordering and Administration—United States, 2020" in MMWR Earl...

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#MakeYourMark: Supporting Older Americans this Month and Beyond May is Older Americans Month, now more than ever, building healthy communities for all must include the older people in our communities. Supporting Healthy Aging for All Why do we care about aging? In many parts of the world, people are living longer lives. Every day in the United Stat...

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IAC Express #1494 - Special Edition: Routine Vaccine Orders PlummetEmail not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. Issue 1494: May 11, 2020 Special Edition: Routine Vaccine Orders PlummetCDC publishes “Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Routine Pediatric Vaccine Ordering and Administration—United States, 2020" in MMWR E...

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WHO Weekly epidemiological recordRelevé épidémiologique hebdomadaire de l'OMS8 May 2020, Vol. 95, No. 19, pp. 185–208 Now online IN THIS ISSUE 185 COVID‑19 strategy update (as of 14 April 2020)Download 8 mai 2020, Vol. 95, No. 19, pp. 185-208 Maintenant en ligne DANS CE NUMÉRO 185 Mise à jour de la stra...

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96 Polio News – Special EditionAn update on various programmatic aspects currently affecting the GPEI.!-- View this email in your browser or download PDF POLIO NEWSSPECIAL EDITIONDear TechNet members, For your reference and information, below please find a special edition of Polio News, which provides an overview of var...

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96 BIG thank you from VillageReach !-- Thank you to all who donated to VillageReach during #GivingTuesdayNow and GiveBIG!Your generous support helps VillageReach respond to the COVID-19 crisis while also improving health care access. With your gift, VillageReach and our partners keep communities and health workers informed about how to prevent COVI...

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Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. Issue 1493: May 6, 2020 TOP STORIESIAC Commentary: Society wants a COVID-19 vaccine—it’s not just a matter of when, but also how much and for whom (part 1)Immunize Colorado executive director discusses the urgent need for maintaining routine immunizations during the COVID-19 pandemicFD...

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96 Double the days to GiveBIG for VillageReach !--

You are invited to join VillageReach for two days of generosity.

Today and tomorrow, people will be participating in #GivingTuesdayNow and GiveBIG, to support organizations like VillageReach that are making a difference in the world.

VillageReach knows that improving access to quality health care is more important than ever. One of the greatest dangers of COVID-19 is the interruption of primary health care services.

With twenty years of experience, we know how to strengthen health systems to enhance primary health care. At VillageReach, we start with the hardest-to-reach communities, build on what we know works, put government at the center and respond to the present crisis while designing for the future.

We hope you and your family are healthy and safe, and we invite you to join us in making a gift to improve health access for people who need it most.
Make your gift today
To see our COVID-19 response efforts in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Malawi and Mozambique, click here.

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Monthly Update April 2020 in Review www.immregistries.org In This Issue… AIRA's COVID-19 Response Update What's Making You Smile?Program Evaluation ProjectDon’t Let Immunization Coverage Fall Victim to CoronavirusUsing IIS to Support an Outbreak ResponseAIRA Board Corner: Nathalie Hartert, DirectorMeasurement and Improvement: New and Updated C...

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96 EYE Newsletter April 2020 View this email in your browserDate: 30 April 2020 Increased yellow fever epidemic risk in the short and long run due to COVID-19 impactThe impact of COVID-19 on yellow fever (YF) immunization activities increases epidemic risk in the short run, with delayed outbreak responses, and in the long run, with postponed c...

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1 May 2020, Vol. 95, No. 18, pp. 173–184 Now online IN THIS ISSUE 173 Progress towards maternal and neonatal tetanus elimination – worldwide, 2000–2018Download 1 mai 2020, Vol. 95, No. 18, pp. 173-184 Maintenant en ligne DANS CE NUMÉRO 173 Progrès accomplis en vue de l’élimination du tétanos maternel et néonatal dans...

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