Request for Information: Vaccines National Strategic Plan Available for Public Comment


The Office of Infectious Disease and HIV/AIDS Policy (OIDP) published a draft Vaccines National Strategic Plan 2021-2025. This is an update of the National Vaccine Plan last published in 2010. This updated draft vaccine plan provides a vision for the nation’s vaccine and immunization enterprise for the next five years and articulates a comprehensive strategy to enhance vaccination in the United States.

The OIDP is asking for feedback on the plan’s goals, objectives, and strategies, specifically:

  • Do they appropriately address the vaccine landscape?
  • Are there any critical gaps? If so, what are they?
  • Are there any concerns? If so, specify the goal, objective, and/or strategy and describe your concerns.

The comment period is open for 10 days. AIRA recognizes how busy you are preparing for COVID-19 vaccine distribution, not to mention the upcoming holiday, and we’d like to take some of the burden off you. If you have comments on the draft plan, we can compile and submit them for you on behalf of the IIS community. If you’d like to submit comments via AIRA, please send them to Liz Abbott by Tuesday, December 2, 2020. If you’d prefer to submit your comments directly, follow the instructions in the Federal Register. Comments submitted this way must be electronic and sent to Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo. by 5 p.m. ET on December 3, 2020.

Thank you,

Liz Abbott, MPH | Adult Program Manager
American Immunization Registry Association (AIRA)
1717 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Suite 1025 | Washington, DC 20006
Main: 202.552.0208 | Direct: 202.558.2355 |