Happy holidays from EYE!



Dear partners and colleagues,

As another year comes to an end, we want to acknowledge your important contributions to the EYE Strategy in 2022, and your tireless efforts to protect people from yellow fever and other deadly diseases.

Together, we have made great strides towards achieving our goal to eliminate yellow fever epidemics by 2026. Since EYE’s inception in 2016, our preliminary end-of-year figures indicate that around 187 million people have been protected for life via vaccination campaigns. This is a truly remarkable achievement.

At our 6th Annual Partners' Meeting last month, Dr Ephrem Tekle Lemango, Chief of Immunization for UNICEF, honoured us with the recognition of being “perhaps the strongest partnership in the immunization space”. It takes a global effort to achieve this, and we remain truly grateful for your hard work and collaboration.

We wish you a peaceful and safe holiday season.

See you in the new year.
Best wishes,

The EYE Secretariat

We are partners. We all have a role to play.


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