EYE Strategy September Newsletter


September EYE Strategy Newsletter

Image: Chad laboratory staff together for training at Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Référence National (CHURN) de N’djaména 


September EYE Strategy Newsletter 



Register Now - 6th EYE Strategy Annual Partners' Meeting

Registrations are now open for this year’s EYE Annual Partners’ Meeting. Please use this link to register.

The meeting will take place online on 29th and 30th November 2022, between 3pm and 6pm Central European time.  

We are bringing together key stakeholders from across the partnership to discuss the achievements and challenges of the past year, as well as the implications of the mid-term evaluation. 

The mid-term evaluation has assessed how well the Strategy has been implemented since its inception in 2016 and outlines recommendations for how best to achieve our goals of eliminating yellow fever (YF) epidemics by 2026.  

A full agenda is to follow.  


Country updates 

Chad meeting at MoH with the Director General of Pharmacy, Drugs and Laboratories

Image: Chad meeting at the Ministry of Health with the Director General of Pharmacy, Drugs and Laboratories

Yellow fever (YF) Incident Management Support Team (IMST) - West and Central Africa

The multi-country outbreak in West and Central Africa is ongoing. The YF IMST, which has been in place since December 2021, has now been extended until December 2022.  

This allows for transition planning between IMST headquarters in Ouagadougou and the countries affected, now that response operations have identified and targeted vulnerable populations for vaccination.  

The EYE Risk Analysis working group (RAWG) is continuing to support countries with their risk analyses, which form part of their applications for the implementation of campaigns to achieve nationwide coverage. Since September, the RAWG has been engaged with Chad and Niger to support tailored sub-national risk analyses. 

Reactive vaccination campaigns (RVCs) 

All RVCs are approved by the International Coordinating Group on Vaccine Provision (ICG) with support from Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance.  

Central African Republic (CAR) 

CAR has been experiencing a YF outbreak since late 2021, with a total of 20 confirmed cases. The date of onset of the most recent confirmed case is 14th March 2022. (There are several delays to recent laboratory results). 

The country was approved by the ICG for a response in March 2022 which would protect approximately 475,000 people in three districts: Batangafo-Kabo, Haut Mbombou and Nangha-Boguila. 

As part of the outbreak response, a first YF RVC was launched on 13th July 2022 and was completed in September. Delays were due to logistical and security constraints. 

Subsequently, there were additional confirmed cases reported in Bambari and Kembe Satema. This led to a second request, approved by the ICG on 25th July for response in these two additional districts, which is aiming to protect around 345,000 people. Dates of implementation are yet to be confirmed, but are expected to take place in October. 

Preventive mass vaccination campaigns (PMVCs) 


Uganda concluded the training of its district and national-level trainers last month, and the introduction of the YF vaccine into its routine immunization (RI) programme began in October 2022.

This is a great achievement for the EYE Strategy, as Uganda is the second of four countries recommended in the 2017 Strategy to roll-out vaccination nationwide. 

A multi-year PMVC is also scheduled to begin as early as November 2022 and is due to run for over 3 years. This will mark a significant step towards protecting the population against the disease. The aim is to target 12 million people in the 2022 phase of the campaign. 


Chad has submitted an application to Gavi for phased YF PMVCs in 2023 and 2024, which aim to target over 16.5 million people and achieve nationwide protection.

The country also proposes to realize efficiencies by linking these PMVCs with measles campaigns. Chad's efforts to rapidly come together for a workshop in August to finalize and submit this application are appreciated.    

The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC)   

The YF PMVCs in Maniema, Sankuru, and South Kivu are planned to initiate this month. Further YF PMVCs are planned in Lomami, Kasai, East Kasai and Central Kasai for early 2023. Overall, the campaigns will aim to protect around 28 million people.    


Nigeria has begun to implement its 2022 integrated vaccination campaigns against YF, measles, meningitis, and maternal and neonatal tetanus. Activities in Ogun and Gombe states were completed in June; Borno, Kano, Enugu, and Adamawa are due to commence towards the end of October 2022, and Bayelsa and Adamawa states will be implemented before the end of the year.   


Training photo gallery

Ghana Group photo with the lab staff at Nationa Public Health Lab in Korke-Bu, Accra Ghaba

Image: Ghana group photo with the laboratory staff at National Public Health Laboratory in Korke-Bu, Accra Ghaba

Ghana meeting at MoH with the Director of Public Health, in AccraImage: Ghana meeting at Ministry of Health with the Director of Public Health, in Accra                                                                                                                                   Ghana Exit Debrief with WR and Director of Public Health, Accra Ghaba Image: Ghana Exit Debrief with WHO Representative and Director of Public Health, Accra Ghaba
  • Accreditation of the national YF laboratory at the National Public Health Reference Laboratory (NPHRL), Korle-Bu, Accra 
  • Assessment and training for YF RT-PCR testing using The Altona RealStar® Yellow Fever Virus RT-PCR Kit  


 Chad former and new lab staff all together during the training at CHURNImage: Chad former and new laboratory staff all together during the training at CHURN                                                                                Chad briefing with the new designated YF lab team at Laboratoire de Biosuteré et des Epidemies (LaBiEp) in N'djamenaImage: Chad briefing with the newly designated YF laboratory team at Laboratoire de Biosuteré et des Epidemies (LaBiEp) in N'djamena
Image: Chad meeting with the Director of Laboratory, Ministry of Health, N'djamena

Chad training delegates Image: Chad training delegates



  • Technical support to the newly designated YF national laboratory at the Laboratoire National de Référence Général (LNRG), N’djamena (transitioning from the former to the new laboratory) 

  • Training of the new team with the support of the former team at the Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Référence National (CHURN) de N’djaména 

  • Transfer of material/reagents from the former to the new laboratory 



International Coordination Group (ICG) Annual Meeting on cholera, ebola, meningitis and yellow fever vaccine provision (invite only)
25th – 27th October 2022

Laboratory Technical Working Group (LTWG) annual meeting (invite only)
9th – 10th November 2022

6th EYE Annual Partners’ Meeting
29th and 30th November 2022 - 3pm to 6pm Central European time. To register, please click here

Regional workshop to strengthen regional reference laboratory’s confirmatory capacities using chimeric virus.
12th to 26th November 2022 - hosted by Uganda Virus Research Institute (UVRI), Entebbe, Uganda

Regional combined molecular & serology and data management training workshop for French-speaking African countries
7th to 16th December 2022 – hosted by Institut Pasteur Dakar (IPD), Dakar, Senegal




Extract: Washington, D.C. September 26, 2022 (PAHO) – At the opening of the 30th Pan American Sanitary Conference today, the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) Director Carissa F. Etienne acknowledged significant gains in health in the last decade but urged countries to address current challenges, including immunization gaps that have “rolled back nearly three decades of progress on childhood vaccinations in recent years.” 

“Over the last decade, I’ve seen countries translate the idea of universal health care into practical policies”, the PAHO Director said, citing how local, regional, and national governments are working together to achieve “our shared agenda for health in the Americas and the Sustainable Development goals.” 

To read the full article click here.




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