EYE Strategy Career Opportunities



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We currently have two career opportunities on the EYE Secretariat.

1. Project Management Officer, EYE Secretariat (Grade P4). Apply by Nov 24, 2022, 23:59 Central European Time.

The global Eliminate Yellow Fever Epidemics (EYE) Strategy was developed during the second half of 2016 by Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, UNICEF, the World Health Organization (WHO) and other partners. This was in response to the increasing risk of large, urban, yellow fever outbreaks.

The EYE Strategy is a comprehensive, multi-component and multi-partner initiative involving up to 50 partners globally in about 40 countries. To read more about our work to eliminate yellow fever epidemics by 2026, click here.

The Secretariat for the EYE Strategy is hosted by WHO, acting through the Department of Health Emergency Interventions. Its primary role is to ensure appropriate coordination and conduct relevant monitoring and evaluation activities required to drive all aspects of the strategy forward.

Key aspects of the role

The successful candidate will co-ordinate and facilitate improved information and knowledge management within the team for the purposes of monitoring and evaluation, and organizational learning and reporting. They will also be responsible for the development and refining of the criteria for vaccine allocation and also of the relevant scenarios to inform allocation discussions of the EYE Strategy.

The candidate will also co-ordinate and organize monthly EYE programme management group (PMG) calls and quarterly EYE leadership group (LG) calls. This includes development of agendas, presentation materials and minute-taking

The candidate will support the Secretariat, regions and working groups towards achievement of the EYE annual work plan. This includes quantified monthly progress updates and tracking of deliverables.

There will also be a need to develop information and advocacy products. 

For more information on the role and how to apply click here.

2. Consultant – Yellow fever (YF) Immunization, EYE Secretariat. Apply by Nov 28, 2022, 22:59 Central European Time.

Key aspects of the role

Task 1: Identify YF immunization gaps in high-risk countries. 
Preparatory work with EYE Vaccine Delivery Working Group (VDWG) and in-country assessments in collaboration with country stakeholders and EYE partners. 

Output 1: Reports on vaccination coverage assessments for at least four high-risk countries (expected by end of contract).

Task 2: Develop national strategy and workplan to resolve critical gaps in YF vaccination coverage in high-risk countries.
Collaborative work with EYE partners, the EYE Risk Analysis Working Group (RAWG) and VDWG to define strategies and develop national workplan as well as organizing workshops with country stakeholders to discuss workplans. 

Output 2: Development of strategies and workplan to resolve critical gaps in YF vaccination coverage in at least four high gap areas (expected by end of contract). 

Task 3: Support the VDWG in attaining its annual workplan objectives by providing technical input, coordinating a desk review of documents and data and reviewing reports.

Output 3: Participation in all VDWG working sessions and related tasks requested by VDWG.

Task 4: Finish the development of operational guidance for the PCCS in resource-limited settings and that can be applied in reactive campaigns. 

Output 4: Operational guidance for PCCS finalized. (Expected by end of contract).

For more information on the role and how to apply click here.

Please circulate widely within your networks.

With thanks, 

Laurence Cibrelus - Head of the EYE Strategy Secretariat

More on the EYE strategy can be found here. More information on yellow fever can be found here.


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