EYE on Yellow Fever – podcast & community’s story

EYE community storyEliminate Yellow Fever Epidemics (EYE) Strategy on Yellow Fever is a 16-part series that takes you inside the global efforts to ensure that yellow fever does not become the next big global health threat.

We interview global experts from fields including immunization, climate change, space science, and the Amazon rainforest to show what goes into arboviral and infectious disease prevention to keep the global community safe. 

To listen to the full series, click here.

Or listen via your favourite podcast app: Click here.

All the episodes are also now available on YouTube: Click here to view.

Yellow fever: a community's story 

This film by the EYE Strategy shows the impact of yellow fever on a community in Taraba State, Nigeria, starting with the story of Muhammed Awal who lost one of his children to the disease, and his efforts to protect the rest of his family.  

Click here to view

EYE Annual Highlights 2022About Eliminate Yellow Fever Epidemics (EYE) Strategy

The EYE Strategy is a multi-partner initiative hosted by WHO to eliminate yellow fever epidemics by 2026. It aims to protect almost 1 billion people in Africa and the Americas via a single-dose vaccine that offers life-long protection.  

Since its inception in 2017, and up until the end of 2022 an estimated 187 million people have been protected against yellow fever in Africa.

For more information on where and how the EYE Strategy has been implemented, please click on the link: eye-annual-highlights-2022.pdf (who.int).

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