EYE Newsletter November 2020


Date: 2 December 2020
Completion of nationwide yellow fever PMVCs in Ghana

From 12th to 18th November, Ghana implemented the final phase of its nationwide PMVCs and protected over 5.4 million people aged 10 to 60 years, from yellow fever (YF). This is a major milestone for the EYE strategy and Ghana, as it represents attainment of nationwide protection from YF. Exceptional support was received from the US CDC Foundation for the printing of 6.2 million vaccination cards and provision of 87,841 bottles of hand sanitizers (250ml each) covering the entire campaign.
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To capture feedback about the communications you receive from us and to help to prioritize the information we share with you, and how you receive it, we have created a short survey, that we invite you to complete (by clicking here). Without your input, we cannot be accurate about what and how we communicate with you. Completion time is around 3 minutes.
Fourth EYE strategy annual partners’ meeting :
A global community working to control yellow fever risk

Over 215 EYE stakeholders from 44 countries and 4 continents participated in the annual meeting. Following last year’s annual meeting in Brasilia, Brazil, hosted by PAHO, this year's virtual meeting was a unique and rich opportunity to review our EYE Strategy achievements and adaptations in the COVID-19 context. It was a fruitful two-day meeting discussing our progress on the strategy to date; regional and country updates, and lessons learned from recent YF outbreaks, amongst many other topics.

If you missed the meeting, recordings of both days can be viewed on the EYE strategy’s YouTube channel. All presentations are accessible on the event’s Dropbox repository and you can also use the WHO Events app to access all event documents and contact fellow participants. The app is accessible on the Web, iOS, and android through EVENT CODE: EYE2020.

We will be planning some roundtable discussions, for more detailed planning on some of the topics discussed during the meeting and will keep you posted on dates in 2021.
Guidance to support immunization in the COVID-19 context
To enable the continuation of essential services, such as YF prevention and control activities during the COVID-19 pandemic, WHO and partners are developing and publishing country and technical guidance documents. Most of the published documents are available through the WHO publications hub.

Highlights of documents published, updated or translated in November include:
We are partners. We all have a role to play.



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