EYE Newsletter January 2020

96 EYE Newsletter January 2020

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Date: 06 February 2020
Yellow fever Preventive Mass Vaccination Campaign completed in Ekiti state, Nigeria.

The Government of Nigeria with support from WHO and partners launched a preventive mass vaccination campaign in Ekiti State on 24 January 2020, funded by Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance. The ten-day campaign in Ekiti state, which ran to 2 February 2020 aimed at protecting over 3 million people aged from 9 months to 44 years old (the vulnerable groups deemed to be eligible for the immunization). The Ekiti state campaign will be followed shortly by campaigns in the Rivers and Anambra states, with the goal of protecting about 15 million people against yellow fever in the three states.
To progress with the national EYE implementation agenda, the country plans to develop state-specific EYE implementation plans. The global EYE risk analysis working group will support this effort through an evidence-based risk analysis informed by local expert assessment, to guide equitable vaccine allocation to protect at risk populations.
Nigeria is a priority country for the EYE Strategy and it is expected that more than 85 million people will be protected against yellow fever in the country by the end of 2021. The impact of the EYE strategy is already tangible, with more than 46 million people vaccinated during outbreak responses and preventive mass vaccination campaigns aimed at establishing high population immunity, and substantial expansion of laboratory capacity in the country. Efforts will continue towards full implementation of the EYE 10-year plan to eliminate yellow fever outbreaks.

The EYE Secretariat, on behalf of Gavi, UNICEF and WHO, would like to thank the implementing countries (Brazil, DRC, Ghana, Nigeria and Sudan) in Africa and the Americas (AFRO, EMRO, PAHO). We are grateful to the chairs of the EYE working groups (CDC, Erasmus University, UNICEF), global partners (such as BMGF, YF vaccine manufacturers, WHO Collaborating Centers including CDC and Imperial College) and all other country and regional partners.
We are all partners. We all have a role to play.
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