EYE Newsletter February 2020


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Date: 27 February 2020
Centre Pasteur du Cameroun nominated as 3rd regional reference laboratory for yellow fever in Africa

Similar to Institut Pasteur Dakar (IPD) in Senegal and the Uganda Virus Research Institute (UVRI), Centre Pasteur Cameroon (CPC) will provide WHO Regional Reference Laboratory (RRL) functions including provision of yellow fever (YF) confirmatory testing for suspected outbreaks and quality control support for national laboratories of countries in the Central African sub-region.

CPC will also support YF laboratory and surveillance networks, train, build capacity and avail qualified staff to carry out timely YF and differential diagnoses testing. Additionally, upon request from WHO, CPC will make and administer proficiency testing panels for chosen national laboratories in other countries.
International YF samples transport operations

Update as of 27 Feb 2020
As part of the operational arm of the EYE strategy (EYE Ops), these streamlined operations contribute to faster yellow fever (YF) confirmation for rapid outbreak response to reduce morbidity, mortality and save vaccines – in addition to limiting international spread.

EYE Ops is complementary to the ongoing efforts to build laboratory capacity in Africa and is also funded through the Gavi YF Diagnostics Initiative.

5 countries supported to ship out samples or reagents (Nigeria, Cameroon, DRC, Sierra Leone and Uganda) in 13 shipments,
of which
60% out of Nigeria.

492 samples sent to Regional Reference Laboratories (RRL)
  • 136 for emergency confirmation and outbreak investigation
  • 356 samples for EQA (External Quality Assessment)
Average time from collection to delivery < 4 days.

100% achievement of 7-day KPI for shipping.

All temperature requirements were met (-80C°; -20C°; and +2C°/+8C°).
EYE Ops also supported the prepositioning of various types of triple packaging in 9 countries from 2 WHO regions, with 998 boxes distributed (AFRO: Nigeria, Ethiopia, South Sudan, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Benin, Mali, Niger, Central African Republic; EMRO: Sudan). Countries were identified based on the information generated through the 2018 Gavi-supported laboratory assessments.
Perspectives for 2020

In close collaboration with AFRO and EMRO, regional laboratory coordinators and EYE focal point, to:
  1. Liaise with all laboratories to assess and optimize international transport capacities and propose alternatives if actual systems are not performing optimally.
  2. Encourage YF laboratories experiencing international transport issues to reach out to the operational arm of the EYE secretariat (Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo.) for support on operations.
  3. Disseminate Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) on shipping processes to YF laboratories.
  4. Track and document all transports performed under the shipping process.
  5. Provide all YF laboratories with additional triple packaging and provide further supply as needed.
Maintain close collaboration with Courier companies and identify potential bottlenecks early.

107.8 million people

Protected against yellow fever in Africa since EYE inception.

We are all partners. We all have a role to play.
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