EYE 2019 Year-End Update & Best Wishes for 2020

96 EYE 2019 Year-End Update & Best Wishes for 2020

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Date: January 2020


As we enter 2020, the EYE Secretariat sends its warmest wishes for continued public health engagement and impact at country level.
We take this opportunity to review the key EYE achievements from 2019 and to highlight the next steps that we will undertake as a global community working for comprehensive Yellow Fever control in 2020. 
EYE Highlights of 2019
•  Largest ever annual meeting in Brasilia, Brazil brought together a wide range of countries, regions and partners to engage on Yellow Fever (YF) control strategies
•  Launch of Vaccine Delivery Working Group, to support YF vaccination activities 
•  Improved supply of Yellow Fever vaccine supporting vaccination campaigns

•  Pilot risk prioritization matrix developed for risk analysis
•  EYE Dashboard created to track country implementation
•  Yellow Fever Surveillance Standards revision

•  Nomination of third regional reference laboratory in African Region
   (Centre Pasteur Cameroon)
•  Target product profiles published for improved molecular, serologic & rapid tests
•  International sample transportation to support rapid outbreak confirmation 

•  >4.3 million protected through Reactive Vaccination Campaigns
   (Nigeria & South Sudan)
•  27 million protected through Preventive Mass Vaccination Campaigns     (PMVCs) in Nigeria and Sudan
•  Sudan completed final phase of PMVCs, ensuring nation-wide protection

•  16.5 Million children protected in Africa (estimated)
•  11 Million people protected in the Americas (estimated)
•  Sudan approved to introduce yellow fever vaccination in RI supported by Gavi

Setting the stage for 2020

The EYE Strategy's initial interventions were driven by the shifting epidemiology of yellow fever and the need to resume and bolster activities to increase population immunity and rapidly detect outbreaks. 

In 2020, the EYE Strategy will enter into an innovation phase,
capitalizing on the solidified engagement of countries, regions and partners, while continuing to work towards improved and sustained population protection. Priority actions include:  
  • Implement keys for success: country ownership, enhanced inter-country collaboration and exchange of novel approaches for success, and increased on-the-ground support from partners. Towards this aim, the 2020 Meeting will be hosted by the African Region to build on the momentum for cross-country and inter-regional collaborations.
  • Advance technical themes: risk analysis at national and sub-national levels and surveillance to inform EYE roll-out, clinical management with emphasis on novel approaches to improve outcomes, and limitation of yellow fever exportation from endemic areas.
  • Accelerate EYE implementation: long-term approach with increased vaccine forecast accuracy and advanced planning for preventive mass vaccination campaigns (PMVCs), stronger contingency planning at regional and global level and coordination for vaccine access, and operationalize simple measures to improve routine immunization (RI) in high-risk areas that would be scaled-up once proven effective.
  • Catch-up vaccination will be required to close immunity gaps and ensure equitable access to life-long protection of at-risk populations, and to sustain the successes of yellow fever vaccination activities. For example, Gavi is exceptionally considering the needs of Sudan for catch-up campaigns targeting children in areas with delays between PMVC completion and RI introduction.
2019 EYE Implementation Country Updates (as of 24 December 2019)
Sudan has completed the final phase of nation-wide Preventive Mass Vaccination Campaigns (PMVCs) for Yellow Fever. This is a great accomplishment and the country is congratulated for their success. Next steps that will assure sustained population protection include the introduction of yellow fever vaccination into the routine schedule in 2020 and the pending catch-up activities required to close immunity gap and ensure all children are vaccinated. 

Republic of Congo has submitted the final clarifications on their application for PMVC to the Gavi Independent Review Committee.  Clarifications centred on providing clarity on how the PMVC can be managed with the current cold chain capacity in country. If the application is successful in its final stages, the country plans to implement in 2020.  

Nigeria initiated the third phase of national PMVCs in Katsina and Borno States in 2019.  Due to complexity of competing activities, the planned campaigns in Anambra, Ekiti and Rivers States are postponed until early 2020. In light of the ongoing outbreak signals in multiple states, the options to update the sequence for roll-out of PMVCs in country is under discussion. 

DRC and Ghana will implement PMVCs in early 2020. For Ghana, this campaign will represent the final stage to complete nationwide protection. 

Following Sudan's introduction, there remains three high-risk countries yet to introduce yellow fever vaccination into routine immunization: Ethiopia, South Sudan and Uganda.


Upcoming Events
African Region Yellow Fever Surveillance and Laboratory Meeting, late February 2020, dates and location to be confirmed

Yellow Fever Risk Assessment in Asia Technical Consultation, convened by WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific, Singapore, 16-17 March 2020.

EYE Risk and Lab Technical  Working Group meetings, third week May 2020, dates and location to be confirmed.

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