Call for Nominations – PtD Coalition Chair and Deputy Chair

                                     17 August 2020 
Call for Nominations – PtD Coalition Chair and Deputy Chair
Do you have the skills, passion, and drive to lead the People that Deliver (PtD)?
We are looking for a new Chair and Deputy Chair to lead the PtD Coalition. Are you a strategic thought partner who has the skills and experience to provide leadership and guidance to PtD during the next two years? Together, we want to continue to build on the excellent foundations and developments made since our establishment in 2011.
PtD was established in 2011 when 79 institutions came together at the WHO and pledged their support and action to strengthen the capacity of the health supply chain workforce, while promoting the professionalization of the supply chain role within the broader health system. PtD has become the global coalition focused on technical leadership in human resources (HR) for supply chain management (SCM). It does this by advocating for a systematic approach to HR for SCM and for interventions that improve the demand and supply of qualified health supply chain professionals. PtD’s one goal is to create a competent, supported, and adequately staffed supply chain workforce that is deployed across the public and private sectors within the health system. The PtD Coalition was created as the primary governing body that develops strategies and provides broad guidance and oversight to support PtD’s operations and key priorities. 
We are seeking a Chair and Deputy Chair who will serve a term of two years (renewable). The Deputy Chair supports the Chair in their role as requested. If the Chair is temporarily unable to fulfill their duties, the Deputy Chair will serve as the acting Chair in the interim.
  • Represent PtD to the global health community and other key stakeholder groups at events, conferences, and meetings as appropriate and within the legal mandates of their organizations
  • Regularly revisit the goals and objectives for the Coalition Members and Executive Committee and revises these terms of references in collaboration with the Secretariat as needed
  • Motivate members to attend meetings
  • Facilitate meetings:
  • create a purposeful agenda in collaboration with the Secretariat
  • has the know-how to run a productive meeting with a level of formality needed
  • Engage members in frank discussion and bring the group to consensus-based and action-oriented decisions
  • Approve meeting notes and other reports
  • Work closely with the Executive Manager, by supporting, consulting, and complementing each other, and communicating openly and regularly to maintain positive progress in PtD’s work
Criteria for eligibility:
  • Demonstrates consistent leadership and willingness to take on responsibilities, has time to stay engaged in the governance process (2 – 8 hours per month), and serves the best interests of PtD
  • Commitment to fulfilling the role of the Chair, including its representative role
  • Commitment to engaging with donors, governments and the private sector in collaboration with the Secretariat
  • Commitment to provide support to and interact regularly with the Secretariat
  • Additional beneficial attributes: knowledgeable about establishing and developing initiatives, able to successfully advocate for PtD (e.g., for involvement of key partners or for resource mobilization), able to motivate PtD structures and to maintain progress, excellent oral and written communications skills, including fluency in English and a fair arbitrator who is not involved in PtD operations
Selection process:
Any individual may self-nominate or nominate candidates (internal or external to PtD). The selection process will occur as follows:
  1. The PtD Secretariat will advertise the open Chair and Deputy Chair positions
  2. The PtD Secretariat will collect nominations and schedule a meeting to present the candidates
  3. At the meeting the biographies of the candidates will be shared, and the candidates will have an opportunity to introduce themselves and give a short presentation outlining their vision for PtD and their contributions to strengthening HR for SCM 
  4. After the meeting the primary representative of each member organization will cast an anonymous vote online, selecting one candidate for the Chair and one for the Deputy Chair
  5. The Chair and Deputy Chair will be elected by majority (the winner receives more than two-thirds the number of votes). In cases where two candidates receive the same number of votes, the two candidates with the most votes will enter a second-round election. 
  6. The PtD Secretariat will announce the winners 
To submit a nomination, please fill out the nomination form online via this link. The deadline for nominations is 15 September 2020 by midnight CEST. If you have any questions, please email the PtD Secretariat at Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo..
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