A message from Dr William Komakech





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The global strategy to Eliminate Yellow fever Epidemics (EYE) is a comprehensive, multi-component, and multi-partner initiative that aims at preparing the global health community facing the increased risk of urban outbreaks of yellow fever (YF).  

The risk of international spread, YF’s changing epidemiology, and the resurgence of mosquitoes pose an emerging global threat.  

The EYE Strategy aims at building a global coalition of countries and partners to tackle this increased risk of YF epidemics in a coordinated manner. 

Core EYE partners include Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, and the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) which form the governance and implementation body for EYE along with the World Health Organization. 

The Strategy includes three strategic objectives: (1) protect at-risk populations, (2) prevent international spread, and (3) contain outbreaks rapidly. 

The key milestone for the year 2022 is that at least 50% of the target population of the 27 high-risk countries of Africa are protected through national preventive mass vaccination campaigns. This year’s meeting will explore whether we have met this milestone and if not, why not.  

This year marks the halfway point in the Strategy’s implementation plan that started in 2017 and will run until 2026.  

A key event this year is the mid-term evaluation of the EYE Strategy to assess its progress and design the way forward.  

Every year, the global EYE community meets at the Annual Partners' Meeting. This meeting is an opportunity: 

  • to generate a renewed and invigorated interest in focusing on YF activities and the Strategy itself, 

  • for the community to ask questions and make useful connections with each other 

  • to provide strategic updates on the EYE Strategy from the key Secretariat groups: EYE Secretariat (HQ), Regional, Country, Working Groups 

  • to inform on findings and recommendations from the mid-term evaluation  

  • to focus on the areas of priority moving forward 

We hope you can join us for this important event. 

 For more information on the EYE Strategy: Eliminate Yellow Fever Epidemics (EYE) 2017 – 2026 (who.int) 



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