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  • Stephanie Shendale creó un nuevo evento

    Why Gender Matters for Immunization: Webinar Series!

    This webinar series, based on the joint WHO, UNICEF, and Gavi guidance document Why Gender Matters: IA2030, aims to improve awareness and understanding of how gender-related barriers impact immunization and to showcase examples of gender-responsive programming to improve coverage and equity. Thro...

    This webinar series, based on the joint WHO, UNICEF, and Gavi guidance document Why Gender Matters: IA2030, aims to improve awareness and understanding of how gender-related barriers impact immunization and to showcase examples of gender-responsive programming to improve coverage and equity. Through practical examples and best practices from around the world, the series will highlight practical tools and methods to integrate a gender perspective into immunization programmes. The series will run across 5 sessions, on Thursdays from 15-16h (CEST): 8 June, 22 June, 6 July, 13 July, 20 July. Register here:

    8th Jun, 2023 15:00 - Europe/Zurich
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