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  Non-profit organization or project Último visto online, hace 9 meses
  • HISP UiO and Gavi invite you to join us for the next webinar in our DHIS2 for Immunization series: Advanced Population Mapping in DHIS2. The latest release of DHIS2 introduces many new, advanced tools for mapping populations, building structures, and adding facility catchments areas. These features make it much easier to see how many people seek services from a facility. This is key information for planning outreach campaigns, mass vaccinations, and many other health programs. UiO and Cross Cut will present these innovations and show you how you can begin to use them today. This webinar will be offered in both English and French. You can register for these free events using the links below. - English - 23 March, 14:00 Oslo time (GMT+1): - Français - 29 March, 15:00 Oslo time (GMT+1):

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