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Nina Gerlach

  Individual Último visto online, hace 1 años
  • The World Health Organization has commissioned a scoping review in order to better understand efforts that have been undertaken for the digitalization of home-based records for Maternal, Newborn and Child Health (MNCH) and what lessons can be learned moving forward. A background paper will be developed that identifies and summarizes peer-reviewed and grey literature related to digitalization of home-based records for MNCH. The scoping review protocol can be found here:

    For the purpose of this review, the digitalization of a home-based record is understood as an individual or caregiver having digital access to their health record or alternatively hold a digital copy of the record at home, such as in the form of a smart card or near-field communication (NFC) token, even if they can’t directly access the data on it themselves. The digital home-based record may also include health education...

    The World Health Organization has commissioned a scoping review in order to better understand efforts that have been undertaken for the digitalization of home-based records for Maternal, Newborn and Child Health (MNCH) and what lessons can be learned moving forward. A background paper will be developed that identifies and summarizes peer-reviewed and grey literature related to digitalization of home-based records for MNCH. The scoping review protocol can be found here:

    For the purpose of this review, the digitalization of a home-based record is understood as an individual or caregiver having digital access to their health record or alternatively hold a digital copy of the record at home, such as in the form of a smart card or near-field communication (NFC) token, even if they can’t directly access the data on it themselves. The digital home-based record may also include health education messages.

    If you are aware of any literature, including academic articles, white papers, (project) reports, etc., covering initiatives related to the digitalization of home-based records in the area of MNCH, please share the electronic file with us at the following email address:[email protected]. We are looking for materials that are published after 2010.

    We will be collecting materials until 3 August 2021.

    Thank you for your collaboration.

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