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Gift Macauley Ettentuk

  Individual Último visto online, hace 4 años
  • Gift Macauley Ettentuk likes a discussion post

    Many people depend on data related to vaccines and vaccine-preventable diseases to guide their decisions, from setting health system budgets to choosing whether to vaccinate their children. Those who compile and analyse data work hard to ensure the timeliness, accuracy and consistency of the numbers. But when (and if) the numbers are communicated beyond the immunization programme, this tends to be with little thought or resources invested in making sure it is communicated in a way that speaks to the target audience.   

    WHO/Europe’s new publication “Effective communication of immunization data” aims to generate more interest and build capacities in data communication as a means to support decision making and achievement of immunization targets and goals. It covers a range of topics including defining the objective and target audience, shaping the message accordingly and choosing colours and format to increase clarity and impact. 

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