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Caitlin Jarrett

  Individual Último visto online, hace 4 años
  • Dear Members of TechNet-21,


    Do national coverage estimates affect your work? Do you use estimates to make decisions? Are you interested in contributing to their improvement?

    If you have answered yes to any of these questions we would love to hear what you have to say about this important indicator.


    Supported by WHO and UNICEF, Swiss TPH are conducting a study to explore:

    1. the use and usefulness of estimates for decision making, and

    2. methodological approaches to improve estimates of national immunization coverage.


    Please find attached the WHO/UNICEF WUENIC project introduction letter which includes further details and the link to the online survey (15 minutes).

    You can also access the survey directly here:


    Many thanks for your interest and support,

    Caitlin & the Swiss TPH study team


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