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  Company Último visto online, hace 5 años

Freeze Safe

AOV with R&D support from PATH addressed the
problem of vaccine freezing by incorporating an inner
vaccine box made of engineered phase change material
(EPCM) into vaccine carrier. When used with non
conditioned Ice packs the EPCM vaccine box...
AOV with R&D support from PATH addressed the
problem of vaccine freezing by incorporating an inner
vaccine box made of engineered phase change material
(EPCM) into vaccine carrier. When used with non
conditioned Ice packs the EPCM vaccine box will protect
vaccines stored within the carrier from exposure to
temperature below zero degree thus preventing the
freezing of vaccines.
24 Febrero 2018
24 Febrero 2018 ·   hace 6 años
24 Febrero 2018 ·   hace 6 años
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