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B Medical Systems

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End-to-end Vaccine Cold Chain for Luxembourg’s COVID-19 immunisation program

Por B Medical Systems en Cold chain equipment 813 views 26th Abr, 2022 Duración del video: 00:05:01

B Medical Systems’ experience from previous large-scale vaccinations for different infectious diseases around the world ensured that the country of Luxembourg had the perfect support to organize the entire #cold_chain infrastructure required ahead of the arrival of the #COVID19 #vaccines. This included reliable ultra-low freezers, vaccine refrigerators, vaccine freezers and transport boxes, along with the setup of remote monitoring solution, thus putting in place an extra level of security for the safe storage of all the doses. This, combined with the effort of all the healthcare workers involved in the immunisation program, ensured zero wastage of vaccines. Today, B Medical Systems’ products are ensuring that countries around the world can safely and reliably store and transport any type of COVID-19 vaccine while minimising any chance of wastage.

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