MOMENTUM Immunization in Focus is designed to keep busy public health professionals abreast of developments in the immunization world. Each issue focuses on an important topic or topics that may affect USAID missions, projects, and country partners.

View this email in your browserMOMENTUM Insidertogether withZeroing in on Zero-Dose MARCH 2023Thanks for reading this special edition of the MOMENTUM Insider and Immunization in Focus newsletters! This message is intended for subscribers to both newsletters. You can subscribe to all of our newsletters here.Introduction The term...

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MOMENTUM Routine Immunization Transformation and Equity JANUARY 2023: ISSUE 3 Gender and Immunization: Recognizing and Reducing Barriers When a mother in Mozambique’s Nampula Province was asked why her child was only partially vaccinated, she replied that the last time she brought her child for immunization, the clinic had run o...

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View this email in your browserMOMENTUM Routine Immunization Transformation and Equity NOVEMBER 2021 Building confidence in vaccines to increase acceptance and uptake: It’s complicated The COVID-19 pandemic has thrown immunization into the spotlight, popularizing such technical concepts as cold chain, herd immunity, and particularly v...

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