Journal article
Assessment of timeliness- representativeness and quality of data reported to Italy's national integrated surveillance system for acute viral hepatitis (SEIEVA).
OBJECTIVES: Periodic assessment of surveillance systems is recommended to verify whether they are appropriately monitoring the public health problem under surveillance. The aim of this study was to evaluate timeliness- data quality and representativeness of data reported to the Italian Integrated Epidemiological System for Acute Viral Hepatitis (SEIEVA). STUDY DESIGN: Cross-sectional analysis of surveillance data. METHODS: Quantitative indicators were used to evaluate representativeness of reported cases- data quality- and timeliness between surveillance steps- for reports of acute viral hepatitis cases with date of onset of symptoms from 2009 to 2012 (N = 4516). RESULTS: Representativeness was 75%. Over 95% of records reported information on age- sex- city of residence- risk factors for hepatitis A and vaccination status. Information on risk factors for hepatitis B and C were reported less consistently (83%)- as was information on early outcome (60%). Wide delays were found between surveillance steps. CONCLU
- English
Publication year
Public health
Journal article
- Data
- Italy
- Disease surveillance
- Software
WHO Regions
- European Region