Journal article

A generic simulation model to manage a vaccination program.

The main purpose of this paper is to demonstrate how a computer model can be used as a decision making tool regarding vaccination programs. These programs include vaccination against traditional influenza- avian influenza- H1N1 (swine flu)- or other diseases. Specifically- the proposed simulation model is used to investigate the impact of herd immunity- to estimate the vaccination rate for which a given disease is placed into an endemic state- and to calculate the overall cost of a vaccination program from a societal perspective. In addition- the tool can help to define an optimal vaccination rate which will result in the minimum overall cost for a vaccination program. The paper demonstrates several advantages of simulation over other decision making methods. Simulation is used to mimic" the behavior of the disease test a range of alternative solutions for different scenarios and to finely adjust the model and reflect possible vaccination scenarios."


  • English

Publication year



Journal of medical systems




Journal article


  • Data


  • ICT
  • Modeling

Added by: Alex Lee

Added on: 2023-03-24 03:44:36

Hits: 762

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Asllani Ettkin - 2011 - A generic simulation model to manage a vaccination program2.pdf

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