OpenLMIS is a community-focused initiative to create an open source electronic logistics management

information system (LMIS) for health commodity supply chains in low-income countries. It is a

collaborative project to design, develop, and share open source software, tools and methodologies,

from which state-of-the-art, internet-enabled LMIS can be developed and customized for local

deployments. The design goal is for the system to:

1. Support real-time management of all health commodities from point of origin to the point of


2. Be adaptable to the unique requirements of each country;

3. Be interoperable with other medical information systems (e.g., warehouse management

systems, medical record systems, laboratory information management systems); and

4. Facilitate data collection in low-infrastructure environments for review, aggregation, analysis

and forecasting.

This document lays out the software development plan for OpenL


  • English

Publication year





  • Data


  • LMIS
  • Software

Added by: Alex Lee

Added on: 2023-03-17 03:40:11

Hits: 1066

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OpenLMIS v1 0 Global software development plan - revised July 1 2013.pdf

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