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  • Hongtao Li joined the group, MCV 5-dose implementation
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  • Hongtao Li joined the group, EVMA2
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  • Hongtao Li joined the group, Vaccination coverage surveys
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  • Hongtao Li joined the group, mOPV2 management
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  • Hongtao Li joined the group, WHO Scholar
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  • Hongtao Li updated their profile
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  • Hi ,I am HT,  an engineer  from Haier.

     Maintaining below -8 is acceptable? AC is acceptable?

     We have AC type combined refrigerator and freezer, model HBCD-90:  the freezer compartment (gross volume 32 L) can maintain below -8 (environment: 32 )for more than 16 hours in case of power outage; the refrigerator compartment (gross volume 42 L)  can maintain 2-8 C, used for store vaccine. ( See the HBCD-90 test graph below )





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