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Event Information
Event Title:
Event Date / Time:

26th Apr, 2023 10:00AM


26th Apr, 2023 11:30PM

Event Description:
Registration: https://jh.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_t9sySAZwQoiJXZMd4W6z-Q#/registration

Description: As part of this year’s World Immunization Week (2023), the International Vaccine Access Center is hosting a webinar to highlight exciting new vaccines and immunization technology that is on the horizon. An international panel of distinguished experts will present on cutting-edge developments in new vaccines that have the potential to greatly reduce the impact of devastating infectious diseases like tuberculosis, malaria, Shigella, and RSV that currently sicken millions of people worldwide every year. Vaccine micro-array patches are a groundbreaking technology with the potential to dramatically increase the reach of vaccines, helping to prevent future outbreaks. These innovations have the potential to save millions of lives and show that investments in immunization are a reason to celebrate.
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