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Event Information
Event Title:
Event Date / Time:

23rd Feb, 2023 2:00PM


23rd Feb, 2023 3:30PM

Event Description:

This webinar is the third session in the series on How Immunization Supply Chains (iSC) contribute to identifying, targeting, and reaching zero-dose communities

Webinar 3: Integrated supply chain approaches to reach under-served zero-dose communities with vaccination and PHC services

Date: 23 Feb 2023, 2pm CET

This webinar will provide examples of how multi-sectoral supply chain approaches have contributed to reaching zero-dose communities. These approaches contribute to broader sustainability across supply chains for different commodities and health programmes (e.g. immunization, maternal and child health, nutrition etc.) contributing to greater sustainability and effectiveness. 

Register here: https://who.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_4Z8a3E1eS_C1bmjqz5Falg

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