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  • The presentation slides of this webinar session can be found here  https://www.technet-21.org/media/com_resources/trl/16722/multi_upload/Webinar%201_Supply%20chain%20guidance%20and%20strategies%20to%20reach%20under-served%20zero-dose%20communities.pdf
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  • Géraldine Nemrod uploaded a new video
    The Spanish recording of this webinar session is also available
    Orientación: Cadena de suministro y estrategias para llegar a comunidades desatendidas de dosis cero
    Esta es la primera sesión de nuestra serie de seminarios web con la Comunidad de Práctica de Dosis Cero: "Cómo contribuyen las cadenas de suministro de vacun...
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  • Géraldine Nemrod uploaded a new video
    L'enregistrement français de cette session est désormais disponible.
    Conseils & stratégies en matière de chaîne d'approvisionnement pour atteindre les communautés 0 dose
    Ceci est la première session de notre série de webinaires avec la Communauté de pratique Zéro-Dose: Comment les chaînes d'approvisionnement en vaccins (CAV) ...
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  • Géraldine Nemrod uploaded a new video
    The recording of this webinar session is now available
    Supply chain guidance and strategies to reach under-served zero-dose communities
    This is the first session of our webinar series with the Zero-Dose Community of Practice: " How Immunization Supply Chains (iSC) contribute to identifying, t...
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  • Isatou Sarr will be attending this event
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  • Géraldine Nemrod updated the cover picture of the event
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  • Dear participants, please note that due to some technical issues, we have to postpone the first session of this webinar series to February 9th, same time. We will soon update the flyer with the new dates.
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  • Here is the flyer of this webinar series. Feel free to share widely.
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  • How Immunization Supply Chains (iSC) contribute to identifying, targeting, and reaching zero-dose communities - a webinar series in 3 parts

    Immunization is among the most cost-effective public health and development interventions at hand. While significant gains in reaching more people with more vaccines have been made since the 1974 launch of the Extended Program on Immunization (EPI), improvements stagnated in the recent decade and backslid dramatically during the Covid-19 pandemic when global coverage dropped to 81% in 2021. The WHO and UNICEF estimates of immunization coverage (WUENIC) found that 25 million children were left either unvaccinated (zero-dose) or incompletely vaccinated in 2021, an increase of more than 5 million compared with 2019.

    For immunization programs to recover from the pandemic and to accelerate progress towards the IA2030 goal of halving the number of zero-dose children by 2030 will requires scaling up of effective and innovative strategies, including efficacious immunization supply chains. Reliable, resilient, and equitably distributed supply chains form the foundation for immunization services that reach all communities and population groups within a country.

    Immunization supply chains face multiple challenges in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), including last mile delivery, weak distribution systems and duplicative supply structures, limited commodities visibility, weak stock management performance, and inadequately equipped supply chain professionals.
    Effective supply chains are critical for consistently reaching under-served and disadvantaged populations with vaccinations and primary health care (PHC) services, as this webinar series seeks to demonstrate. This series provides technical guidance and paired with practical examples of effective immunization supply chains (iSC) solutions from countries.
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  • Géraldine Nemrod created a new event

    Supply chain guidance and strategies to reach under-served zero-dose communities

    This webinar is the first session in the series on How Immunization Supply Chains (iSC) contribute to identifying, targeting, and reaching zero-dose communities 

    Webinar 1: Supply chain guidance and strategies to reach under-served zero-dose communities

    Date: 09 Feb 2023 - 2pm CET

    This webinar...

    This webinar is the first session in the series on How Immunization Supply Chains (iSC) contribute to identifying, targeting, and reaching zero-dose communities 

    Webinar 1: Supply chain guidance and strategies to reach under-served zero-dose communities

    Date: 09 Feb 2023 - 2pm CET

    This webinar will provide an overview of evidence-based guidance and effective supply chain strategies that contribute to reaching under-served populations and zero-dose communities. In this session, participants will learn the principles of designing and implementing reliable and resilient supply chains that enable equitable immunization services. 

    Topics and speakers

    • Leveraging the Gavi Alliance Immunization Supply Chain Strategy (2021-2025) for identifying, targeting, and reaching zero dose populations.
      Speaker: Karan Sagar Gavi
    • Supply Chain in the UNICEF 2030 Immunization Roadmap: a focus on under-immunized and zero dose populations.
      Speaker:Michelle Seidel UNICEF
    • Supply chain considerations and equity interventions to identify, target and reach underserved and zero dose children. 
      Speaker: Olamide Folorunso UNICEF

    Register here: https://who.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_4Z8a3E1eS_C1bmjqz5Falg

    9th Feb, 2023 14:00 - 15:30 - Europe/Zurich
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